MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jerry D. Roseberry; Councilmembers: Jim Windham, Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis George Holt, David Eady, and Mike Ready.
OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, City Manager; Dave Harvey, Police Chief; Kevin Potter, New Police Officer; Connie Middlebrooks, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt Oliver, Art and Laurie Vinson, Cheryl Ready, Dave Huber, Laura and Evelyn McCanless, Robert Foxworth, Chairman Friends of Covington Fireworks, Inc.
Annual Budget Public Hearing
The Public Hearing was Called to order by Mayor Jerry D. Roseberry.
This Public Hearing was scheduled to allow Mayor and City Council to receive both written and oral comments from citizens about the FY2020 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets. No citizen concerns or comments were presented. The Council is scheduled to adopt the budget at it’s Regular Session Meeting on June 3, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
Public Hearing adjourned at 6:02 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry D. Roseberry.
1. Mayor’s Announcements
Chief Dave Harvey Introduced to Council the City’s newly hired officer Kevin Potter. Officer Potter brings to the city over twenty years of law enforcement experience. Mayor Roseberry informed Council that for the month of April the police department responded to 100 calls, issued 48 citations, 74 warnings, and made 8 arrest. The Mayor reminded Council of the upcoming retirement of Jim Dove and Mott Beck and requested anyone who wishes to contribute to the scrapbook please turn those submissions in to Matt in the coming weeks. Mayor Roseberry introduced to Council Mr. Robert Foxworth Chairman of Friends of Covington Fireworks, Inc. Mr. Foxworth was in attendance to address Mayor and Council regarding the opportunity for the City to financially contribute to the annual July 4th firework celebration hosted by the City of Covington.
May 20, 2019 City of Oxford/ Work Session 2
2. Tourism Product Development Report
Matt informed Council of Newton County’s inquiry into the city’s interest in participating in the creation of a Tourism Product Development Report. The report would offer recommendations on how the city could utilize their existing resources as tools to develop their tourism. It was the consensus of Council to proceed with the
3. 6153 Emory Street Welcome Sign Project Draft Plan
Ms. Cheryl Ready updated Council on the progress of the Welcome Sign Project. She presented a drawing of the proposed sign and a drawing of proposed landscape which will consist of native trees and shrubbery Councilmember Holt expressed his concern the sign is similar to the college signage and it should be more reminiscent of Oxford. Councilmember Eady questioned how the city would absorb the cost of the design and landscaping. Councilmember Windham suggested that the city not skimp on this project considering this to be the gateway to the city
4. City Pollinator Garden
Councilmember Windham informed the Council that the best location for the initial pollinator garden is George Street Park. He requested additional funds be considered in the budget to cover the cost to complete a pathway and plantings. Mayor Roseberry suggested there may be areas in the new city park for additional gardens once the park is complete
Councilmember Holt recommended Council to consider the suggested name of Oxford City Park. It was the consensus of Council to support the suggestion.
6. Operating Budget and Capital Budget for FY2020
Councilmember Ready informed Council of changes that had been made to specific line items per the suggestion of the operating budget committee. Those suggestions consisted of the following recommendations: the city maintain the same current millage rate of 6.62 mills; General Building Permits have a budget of $15,000 to cover projects initiated by the college; Telephone System Upgrades line item increase to $8,200 to include two new phones for maintenance facility; additional $200 to Telephone – Postage for monitoring cost for new park surveillance; decrease to Computer Upgrades to $10,500; increase to E-911 Center to reflect increase in call volume; increase in Supplies and Material to $20,000 to cover toiletries and supplies for new park; addition of line item to cover utilities associated with new park; additional line item for $2,200 for security system install at new park; decrease in City Park and Trail Maintenance to $35,000; additional $5,000 for city pollinator gardens; increase to Depreciation to $215,520 to include city’s new sewer line on Emory Street; and finally the addition of new line item for $8,500 for security system upgrade for Maintenance Facility. Councilmember Windham suggested that the recommendations to the budget take into consideration a higher skill level when compiling the job description for the potential groundskeeper position. (Attachment C)
7. Service Delivery Strategy Update
Mayor Roseberry updated Council on the Service Delivery Strategy negotiations between Newton County and the five Municipalities. The deadline for the parties to reach an agreement is June 30, 2019 in order to remain eligible for grants and other programs administered by the Department of Community Affairs.
8. July 4th Parade Route and Grand Marshal
City Clerk Connie Middlebrooks requested that Council approve the route which would have the parade ending on West Clark Street as it did the year prior. This request takes into consideration that of portions of Wesley Street and Pierce Street will be closed for the Oxford College Pierce Street Improvements Project on West Clark Street as it did the year prior. This request takes into consideration that of portions of Wesley. Connie also
May 20, 2019 City of Oxford/ Work Session 3
suggested that Council nominate a Grand Marshal for the Parade and advised Council that the suggestion of Mr. Anderson Wright or Former City Clerk Lauran Willis be considered. The consensus of Council was to nominate Mr. Anderson Wright as a recognition for his contributions to the city. This matter will be placed on the June 3rd Regular Session agenda for an official vote.
Work Session Adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Executive Session 6:55 p.m.
Motion to go to Executive Session – Ready – Second – Wearing, Approved 7-0
Council discussed matters regarding personnel.
Motion to adjourn Executive Session – Holt – Second – Davis, Approved 7-0
Executive Session Adjourned 7:23 p.m.
Returned to Called Meeting
Motion was made to approve salary increase to $50,000 for Police Chief Dave Harvey and to create the position of Assistant Public Works Supervisor to be filled by Scottie Croy with a salary increase to $42,016.57
Motion – Ready – Second – Holt, Approved 7-0
Motion to Adjourn Called Meeting – Ready – Second – Wearing, Approved 7-0
Connie D. Middlebrooks City Clerk