D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; David Eady; Jeff Wearing,
and Sarah Davis. Councilmembers Jim Windham and Mike Ready were not in
Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City
Clerk; Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk; Jody Reid, Superintendent; Hoyt
Oliver, Teresa Welch, Darryl Welch, Allyson Epps from Oxford College, Anderson
Wright, Erik Oliver, James Waddey, Jill McGiboney, Mark McGiboney, Don
Henderson, Mary Carter, Hal Chitwood with Bureau Veritas, Tammy Wood, Chau
Nguyen from Electric Cities of Georgia.
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
Agenda (Attachment A)
Councilmember of the Month
Mayor Roseberry introduced Melissa Hage as Honorary Councilmember for June.
Mayor Roseberry gave an update report from the Police
Department for the Month of May.
East Clark
Street Development
Mark McGiboney, the Chair of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
presented a design concept for the E. Clark Street Development prepared by
Historical Concepts. To conclude Mark
said that Mr. Frank Turner Jr. is working on the RFP and they will work with
the City Engineer to develop the subdivision plat. (Attachment B)
Councilmember Eady requested that Council discuss the city’s monthly
fee for the use of distributed generation technologies including roof-top solar
system. Chau Nguyen with Electric Cities
of Georgia (ECG) gave an update in relation to the tariff currently in place versus
the new mandated regulations. There was
no decision made regarding the electric rates. (Attachment C)
Building Code Adoption
Hal Chitwood with Bureau Veritas presented a copy and
made recommendation to Council to adopt the International Building Code which
meets all local and state requirements.
This item will be placed on the July 2 agenda for a first reading. (Attachment D)
Handicap Ramp
for Old Church
The Oxford
Historical Shrine Society is requesting to install a handicap ramp at the front
entrance of the Old Church. As planned, the ramp would be located in city
right-of-way. The Planning Commission
recommends that Council approve the installation of the handicap ramp within
the city right-of-way. Mayor Roseberry
said that the City Manager will research this further and obtain quotes and
designs for the ramp to be presented at the July work session. (Attachment E)
Oxford Square Subdivision Sign
Manager Matt Pepper presented results of a survey distributed to Oxford Square
residents regarding the subdivision sign.
There were eight (8) total responses with six (6) in favor of the City
repairing the sign. In answer to the residents forming a homeowners’
association (HOA) all eight (8) responses were “no”. Council instructed Utility Superintendent
Jody Reid to repair the sign and have it painted. (Attachment F)
Hands-Free Georgia Act
Manager Matt Pepper said in response to the “Hands-Free Georgia Act being
signed into law, we have reviewed the city’s current policy on the use of
devices while operating a vehicle. We found that our current cell phone policy
is in line with the measures of the “Hands-Free Georgia Act”. Mayor Roseberry said we need to make sure we
are practicing these requirements. After discussion it was agreed that the city
will purchase blue-tooth devices and phone mounts for all maintenance vehicles
and employees. (Attachment G)
ECG Legislative and Regulatory Services
Manager Matt Pepper said that Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) is offering legislative
and regulatory services to its member cities. Chau Nguyen with ECG said this
service will focus on current, proposed and pending state legislation that
impacts member cities distribution systems. The estimated cost for this service
is $873. This item will be on the July 2
agenda for a vote. (Attachment H)
107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Jeff Wearing presented quotes from several contractors in relation to the roof
repairs for the house and to demolish the breezeway. Wearing requested a flat amount be set for
the roof and drainage to be done as soon as possible. Wearing will bring a breakdown of the
proposals to the July 2 meeting for a vote.
(Attachment I)
Bids for Tree Removal on 107 W. Clark
Windham requested that Council review the two bids received for the removal of
the tree line located at the 107 W. Clark Street property. Since Councilmember Windham was not present,
this item will be moved to the July Work Session. (Attachment J)
Mosquito Spray
Windham requested that Council discuss the use of an environmentally-friendly alternative
to spray for mosquitos. This item was
tabled for the next work session.
6153 Emory Street Property
The Trees,
Parks and Recreation Board is seeking approval from Council to create a contest
to solicit ideas from residents for the passive park planned for the property
located at 6153 Emory Street. All
Council members present were in favor of this project.
A motion was made by Wearing,
seconded by Davis to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk