MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; and
Jeff Wearing, David Eady. Councilmember Sarah Davis was not present.
Matt Pepper, City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Scottie
Croy, Hoyt Oliver, Cheryl Ready, Patsy Burke, Judy Greer, Peggy Madden, Art
Vinson, Daryl and Teresa Welch, Nita Carson, Laura Gafnea, Communication
Director with Oxford College. Donna Williams, Tim Williams
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
Pledge of Allegiance – All
Motion was made by Windham, seconded
by Ready to accept the Agenda for the September 10, 2018 Mayor and Council
Meeting. The motion passed 6/0. Attachment A
Consent Agenda
Approved 6/0. Attachment B
Mayors Report
Mayor Roseberry presented City Clerk Lauran Willis with her certificate
from the University of Georgia for completion of the Clerks Masters Education
Management Development Program.
Tim Williams from 229 E. Soule Street addressed Council regarding parking his
dump truck in his yard. His request to Council is to consider allowing him to
continue parking his truck in his yard. He has done so for over 35 years, stating
that he is only 240 feet from the city limit. Mayor Roseberry said the city
will research this and get back with him.
Commission Recommendations/Petitions
Citizens Concern
ECG Pole Attachment Services Contract
with Charter Communications -
Communications has expressed interest in updating our 1983 Pole Attachment
Agreement to the Statewide Model Agreement. City Manager Matt Pepper said the
agreement was most recently executed in Covington and is in place in eight other
cities. Updating agreements is included in our Pole Attachment Service with
ECG. ECG recommends that Council agree to the updated terms of the contract
with Charter Communications.
A motion was made by Holt, seconded
by Ready to adopt the new Pole Attachment Agreement with Charter
Communications. Motion was approved 6/0.
Attachment C
ECG Pole Attachment Service Contract with MCImetro Access -
City Manager Matt Pepper said that like the situation with Charter
Communications, ECG has been working with MCImetro Access to sign a Statewide
Pole Attachment Agreement. ECG recommends that Council agree to the updated
terms of the contract with MCImetro Access.
A motion was made by Windham, seconded
by Eady to adopt the new Pole Attachment Agreement with MCImetro. The motion
passed 6/0. Attachment D
107 W. Clark
Street Renovation Project
Mayor Roseberry said that earlier today we broke ground for the
renovation of the Yarborough House. Committee Chair Jeff Wearing said that the
post for the front porch have been secured. In addition, the contractor plans
to start on the removal of the electrical panel from the garage to the house
and then they will be removing the breezeway. Mayor Roseberry gave recognition
for the previous committee members who worked on the project, and said we will
post their report on the website.
Mosquito Spray
Mayor Roseberry lead a discussion regarding the city using
environmentally-friendly alternatives to spray for mosquitos. Roseberry said
that City Manager Matt Pepper and Utility Superintendent Jody Reid have
researched and found that we can change to a product that is more ecofriendly. Pepper said that according to their research
there will still be some degree of hazardous chemical. Windham requested they
combine their research with what CDC recommends, and Eady asked that we explore
releasing a flyer to the citizens requesting participation in keeping yards
clear of standing water. In addition, Roseberry
presented an example of a bat house that had been discussed at a prior meeting
and suggested the city purchase ten of them and place them in various areas
around the city such as in the parks and along the trails.
A motion was made by Windham,
seconded by Wearing to approve the purchase of 10 bat houses, five with a fancy
roof at $50 each and five with a regular roof at $40 each. The motion passed 6/0.
Service Delivery Strategy-
Mayor Roseberry gave an update on the Service Delivery Strategy being
considered by the county and cities. Roseberry said they are in discussion with
the county regarding water and jail services and he and other Mayors are asking
for more input. Some have questions and concerns on how they determine what
they are going to build as well as how the 911 service is being billed to the
cities. They have until October 31 to
get it approved.
Request from Covington to Redraw City Boundaries –
City Manager Matt Pepper said The City of Covington
recently approached Council with the idea that, with consent from the property
owners of tax parcels C062-001A (Cousins Community Center), C062-001 (Newton
County School Board), and C03909993-005 (Friendship Lodge), the two cities
request that the state legislators redraw the city boundaries to make these
three parcels 100% return to Oxford.
Mayor Roseberry said the county wants the city to take over the section
and annex it into the City of Oxford. After discussion it was suggested that
City Manager Matt Pepper negotiate with Covington on the utilities and propose
to the Covington the redrawing of the boundaries along Geiger Street East to Carlton
Trail and North to Moore Street.
Attachment E
Invoice Approval
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Health Insurance Employees (9/1 – 10/1)
City of Oxford Utilities
City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on
Richardson/107 W. Clark St. Utilities for (Bill Date 8/28/2018)
Consolidated Monthly Report
Municipal Court Fines and Fees for
Consolidated Monthly Report
Municipal Court Fines and Fees for August
Courtware 1,585.00
Monthly Licensing, Support, and
maintenance July
Courtware Solutions
Monthly Licensing, Support, and maintenance August
Georgia Municipal Association
GMEBS/Retirement Trust Fund (Aug) Inv.
Georgia Municipal Association
GMEBS/Retirement Trust Fund (Sept) Inv. 343371
Latham Home Sanitation
Garbage and Recycling Service
Latham Home Sanitation
Garbage and Recycling Service (August)
NC Board of Commissioners
Keep Covington/Newton Beautiful
Stormwater Education Service Fees.
NC Board of Commissioners
Monthly Water purchases
NC Water & Sewerage Authority
Plant Operations & Maintenance
6/28 – 7/17/2018
NC Water & Sewerage Authority
Plant Operations & Maintenance 7/17 – 8/30/2018
Southeastern Power Admin.
SEPA energy cost (July) Inv. B-18-2655
Software/ Technical Maintenance (Sept) Inv. 10262
Barbara Dingler Tax Com.
2018 Property Tax Digest
Uniforms 5/1 – 5/31
Uniforms 7/5 – 7/26
C. David Strickland
Professional Fees August
Covington News
Legal ads for Bids/Millage/Parade
8 Utility Poles (4ea 30’ and 4ea
MasterCard Services
Hotel fees for Mike Ready MEAG annual conference/Hotel
fees for Dave Harvey Chiefs Conference/Hotel fees for Dawn Towns Municipal
Court Training. Other Miscellaneous.
Preparation of 2018 Audit
Temp Service Week ending 9/2/19
Two 2” Compound meters.
Steven A. Hathorn
Legal Service/Municipal Judge July – September
The Hall company
Laser Utility Bills, Window and
Return Envelopes
Utility Service Co., Inc.
Quarterly Tank Maintenance
WOCO Pep Oil Inc.
Fuel Inv#8491
Purchase of Chipper Truck
CDW Government
New Computers and Projector for City Hall, and PD
Jordan Engineering
Preconstruction meeting
w/contractor & GEFA/GDOT permits/walk site with contractor to flag trees
and stake manholes/Data management and CAD to develop sketch for alley lot on
N. Emory near Post Office/Park meeting, review specs and correlate with civil
Sumner Meeker, LLC
Legal Professional/East Clark Street property Inv. 10232
A motion was made
by Holt, seconded by Wearing, to approve invoices. The motion was passed 6/0.
A motion was
made by Windham, seconded by Wearing to adjourn the regular session at 7:45 PM.
The motion passed 6/0.
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Ready to enter an executive session
at 7:50 PM. Motion passed 6/0.
Council discussed several real-estate matters.
There being no further business, a motion was
made by Wearing, seconded by Eady to adjourn the executive meeting at 8:25 PM.
The motion passed 6/0.
Respectfully Submitted;
Lauran Willis, MMC/FOA
City Clerk