PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members:
George Holt; Jeff Wearing; Sarah Davis; Mike Ready; Jim Windham. Staff members present: City Manager Matt
Pepper, Deputy City Clerk Stacey Mullen, Utility Superintendent Jody Reid,
Police Chief Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland.
OTHERS PRESENT: Marcia Brooks, Sherry Jackson, Chris
Madden, Nick Cole, Grady Spradley, Patsy Burke, Molly McGehee, David Eady,
Juanita Carson, Melissa Hage, Cheryl Ready, Mike McQuaide, Laura Gafnea of
Oxford College, Adrienne Waddey, and Charlie Phillips.
The meeting was called to order by the Hon.
Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor
Invocation was delivered by Chief Dave Harvey
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion was made to accept the Agenda for
October 7, 2019 – Wearing- Seconded- Davis, approved unanimous 6/0.
Consent Agenda- Approved unanimous 6/0.
Mayors Report
Mayor Roseberry advised that the Police
Department had made 12 arrests, issued 49 citations and 53 warnings for the
month of September.
Planning Commission
Citizen Concerns
Sherry Jackson (506 Haygood Ave) expressed
her concerns for the property located at 1002 Emory Street, which she claimed
was stolen from her by the City of Oxford.
She further noted that the property used to build Asbury Street Park was
also stolen by the City of Oxford; consequently, she planned to run as a
write-in candidate in the upcoming General Municipal Election on November 5,
Library Installation
Motion was made by Windham- Seconded-
Ready to accept Ms. McGehee’s proposal to build a little library at Asbury Street
Park, approved unanimous 6/0.
Environmental Study Committee Report
Councilmember Windham discussed the
committee’s recommendations on implementing environmental sustainability
practices within the city. The matter
will be further discussed at the upcoming October work session. A copy of the committee’s report will be
available at city hall for review.
Moore Street Sidewalk Project
A motion was made by Windham-
Seconded- Ready to award the Moore Street sidewalk project to HCS Services, LLC
for $228,835.75, based on the city engineer’s recommendation, approved unanimous
Local Maintenance Improvement Grant
Matt Pepper recommended that Council
approve the Intergovernmental agreement with Newton County to complete the
FY2019 LMIG project for street repair and resurfacing of Asbury Street. Per the IGA, the city will provide the
asphalt, and Newton County will provide the labor and equipment. Motion
was made by Holt- Seconded- Ready to approve the IGA, approved unanimous 6/0.
Memorandum of Agreement
Matt Pepper discussed the Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) between the city and North East Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC)
for their assistance in applying for and administering a Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG). The grant would help
fund the projects involving the replacement of the water mains located on Clark
Street, Oxford Road, Hull Street, Perry Circle, Keel Street, Beakhead Court and
Cat Paw Court. Due to the dire need of
the project and the length of time for the grant approval (Fall of 2020), Councilmember
Windham questioned why the city wouldn’t move forward with the project without
the grant. Mayor Roseberry advised that
a large project such as this could cost as much as a million dollars and that
the CDBG grant (if approved) would assist with funding at a percentage of up to
70%. A motion was made by Ready-
seconded- Wearing to approve the MOA, approved unanimous 6/0.
Landscape Maintenance Contract for Asbury
Street Park
Matt Pepper advised Council that three bids
were received from contractors to provide landscape maintenance work for the
developed area of Asbury Street Park. He
recommended that Council award the bid to Great Estates Landscaping for an
annual total of $6,300, which includes costs for additional services. Due to contract line-item concerns by
Councilmember Holt and pesticide concerns by Councilmember Windham, a
motion was made by Windham-Seconded-Holt to table this item to the upcoming
October work session, approved unanimous 6/0.
First Reading to Provide Ordinance for
Regulation of Small Cell Technology
Matt Pepper explained that the city has
been encouraged by Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) and Electric Cities of
Georgia (ECG) to adopt an ordinance for the regulation of small cell technology
implementation within the city right-of-way.
Matt Pepper noted that the proposed ordinance is broken down in articles
such as aesthetics and the permitting process.
He further noted the ordinance would detail that the Planning Commission
would provide a preliminary review of the application process, with Council
giving the final approval for deployment within the right-of-way. Mayor
Roseberry included if there is no ordinance, the Federal Law takes precedence
and the city will have no say. This is the first reading of this proposed
First Reading to Adopt Restated Pension
Plan Agreement
Matt Pepper advised that the city is
required to restate the city’s pension plan with the IRS in order to continue
to receive the favorable documentation that is currently in place. The city is also required to codify this as
part of the city’s ordinance and provide the IRS with a copy as proof of
adoption. This is the first reading.
General Addendum to Pension Plan Agreement
Matt Pepper advised that the city is not
required to codify the General Addendum to the Pension Plan Agreement, which
GMEBS asks that member employers adopt. Motion
was made by Holt- Seconded- Windham to approve the General Addendum to the
Pension Agreement, approved unanimous 6/0.
Water Fountains and Pet Sanitation
Councilmember Windham presented
recommendations to the Council to approve the installation of water fountains
and pet sanitation stations within the city.
Two locations for the pet sanitation stations will be installed on the
trail at Clark and Soule Street. On the
trail, at Watson and Moore Street, both a pet sanitation station and a water
fountain will be installed, as well as at George Street Park and in front of Old
Church. Councilmember Windham advised that
the cost to install the total number of fountains and pet sanitation stations
would be $21,600. A motion was
made by Windham- Seconded- by Holt to install the recommended placements of the
water fountains and pet sanitation stations within the city, approved unanimous
107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Wearing advised that the
architects should have drawings finalized and the preparation of any bid
documents within two weeks. This matter
will be placed on the October work session for further discussion.
Invoice Approval
Motion was made by Wearing- Seconded-
Windham to approve the October invoices, approved unanimous 6/0.
Regular session adjourned at 7:33 PM
Executive Session
Motion to go into Executive Session
at 7:37 PM- Ready- Seconded- Holt, approved unanimous 6/0.
City Attorney David Strickland updated Council on ongoing litigation.
Council discussed personnel matters
regarding current vacancy for the position of City Clerk.
Motion to adjourn Executive Session
at 8:17 PM- Ready- Seconded- Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
Motion to adjourn Regular Session at
8:20 PM- Windham- Seconded- Holt, approved unanimous 6/0.
Respectfully submitted;
Stacey Mullen, CMC
Deputy City Clerk