Jerry D. Roseberry was not in attendance; Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Windham officiated;
Councilmembers: George Holt; David Eady; Mike Ready, Jeff Wearing and Sarah
Matt Pepper, City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody
Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt Oliver, Cheryl Ready, Mike McQuaide, Peggy
Madden, Teresa Welch, Darryl Welch, with the Covington News, Laura McCanless,
David Huber MD, Adrienne Waddey, James Waddey, and Danielle Miller of Oxford
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem, Jim
Agenda (Attachment A)
Citizens Concerns:
Reverend Tom Johnson addressed Council regarding the sidewalk on Moore
Street. Johnson said he is concerned with people using the sidewalk impeding on
his vineyards. It was his request that the sidewalk be placed as closed to the
street as possible. He said if he has to he can put up a fence.
Erik Oliver said that Mr. John Burson, Anderson Wright, himself and the scouts
displayed the flags in the cemetery for Veteran’s. Oliver said it would be a good idea to have a
flag pole or a monument honoring the Veterans in the cemetery.
1. Mayor’s Announcements
Windham announced Council has received notice from Lauran Willis
stating her official retirement date of March 13, 2019. Attachment B
Windham informed of the Thanksgiving Holiday schedule change for Recycles. Attachment C
Windham announced the annual community Thanksgiving Service to be at Old Church
on Tuesday, Nov. 20th at 7:00 p.m.
The music is provided by the combined choirs of the various churches in
the community. The sermon will be giving this year by Rev. Johnnetta Johnson of
Rust Chapel UMC. Attachment D
2. Downtown
Development Authority Discussion
Councilmember Mike Ready said that due to the lack of responses to the
RFP on the E. Clark Street development the DDA is asking for support from
Council on expanding the current scope of work to include pursuing development
opportunities on the city’s property abutting Hwy 81 to the back of the
Yarborough House. Attachment E
3. 107 W. Clark
Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Wearing gave an update on the Yarbrough House renovation.
Wearing said most of the demolition is completed, the only part left is the
slab. Wearing said there has been mention of keeping the slab and asked for
other opinions. Councilmember Ready and Windham said that since the slab was
part of the original contract that it should be removed. There was more
discussion regarding the floor plan layout Wearing presented. Holt said we
should first decide exactly what we want and then have someone design a plan around
that. Windham suggested that the ad hoc Committee
meet and bring back ideas and research to Council for further discussion. Attachment F
Advertisement for City Clerk Position
Councilmember Holt and Eady said the ad should include a list of the job
responsibilities that extend beyond the traditional City Clerk’s
responsibilities or have it available on the website. City Clerk Lauran Willis said that she and the
City Manager Matt Pepper are working with the Mayor to modify the job
description and the ad. Attachment G
5. Community
Development Coordinator
Council previously considered but did not approve creation of the
position. Councilmember Eady
said that Council should focus on the needs of the community and find someone
who can work on projects focused on bringing the community together.
Councilmember Ready and Wearing agreed. Windham said this will be continued for
further discussion. Attachment H
6. Future Personnel Needs
Council discussed how development of parks, trails, and other city properties
will be maintained.
Councilmember Eady said that based on the amount of real estate the City now
owns there is a growing need to review and decide how the city will maintain
and equip the properties.
7. Planning Commission Appointments
Manager Matt Pepper said that Jonathan Eady and Juanita Carson will end their
terms as members of the Planning Commission at the end of this year. Both
members have indicated that they are willing to serve another 3-year term
starting in January 2019. Pepper said the PC is recommending that Council
reappoint them during the December Regular Session meeting. This item will be moved to the December 3rd
meeting for a vote.
8. Discussion on City Finances
This item was moved to the December 3rd meeting for further
9. Finance
City Clerk Lauran Willis said that Council will need to review the
current General Fund Cash as of October month end and authorize her on where
and how much of the cash they want moved out to other funds. In addition, Willis said that Council also
needs to discuss where they want the revenue from the Verizon lease to be
budgeted each year. It is the auditor’s recommendation that it remain in the
general fund. These items will be on the December 2nd agenda for
instructions and a vote.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 pm.