MONDAY, December 2, 2019 – 7:00 PM
Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; Jeff
Wearing, Avis Williams, Sarah Davis and Honorary Council Member Rachel Ding. Staff members present: City Manager Matt
Pepper, City Clerk Marcia Brooks, Deputy City Clerk Stacey Mullen,
Utility Superintendent Jody Reid, Police Chief Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland.
OTHERS PRESENT: Laura Gafnea of Oxford College, Chris
Madden, Mike McQuaide, Gwendolyn Green, and Art Vinson.
1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
2. Invocation was delivered by Avis Williams.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion was made to accept the Agenda for December 2, 2019 – Wearing - Second - Williams, Approved unanimous 7/0. Attachment A
5. Mayor Roseberry presented a proclamation to Ms. Rachel Ding recognizing her as Oxford’s Honorary Council Member for the month of December.
6. Consent Agenda - Approved unanimous 7/0. Attachment B
7. Mayors Report
- The current issue of Georgia Cities has a full-page story
about Asbury Park.
- Earlier this year, the Oxford City Council approved establishment of Electric and Water/Sewer Capital accounts. The accounts have now been established and will be reflected on November’s Cash on Hand report.
- The Employee Appreciation Dinner is Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dean’s Dining Room at Oxford Dining Hall.
- Steve Horton, mayor-elect of the City of Covington, will
replace Mayor Roseberry on the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC)
representing the cities of Newton County.
- Current mayors and mayors-elect of Newton County have been
invited to Oxford on Friday, December 6, 2019 to discuss some intergovernmental
agreements and other matters.
- On Wednesday, December 11, 2019, Mayor Roseberry,
Mayor-Elect Eady, Council Members Mike Ready and Jim Windham, and staff members
Matt Pepper and Jody Reid will meet with representatives from Oxford College
and MEAG to discuss possible solar electric projects. At the December work
session, attendees will provide a report from the meeting, and the Oxford City
Council will decide whether there is interest in pursuing a solar energy
project. A response is due to MEAG by
December 20, 2019.
- Leadership Newton County will be at Oxford on December 19,
2019, and Mayor Roseberry will make a presentation about the City Council.
- On December 20, 2019, the mayors and mayors-elect will meet
with the Board of Commission Chairman, the School Superintendent, the Chamber
of Commerce President and the Newton County Water and Sewer Authority Executive
Director on some local matters.
- The Southern Advent performance is December 7, 2019 at 2:00
8. Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions
9. Citizen Concerns
10. Match for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Matt Pepper recommended that for the upcoming CDBG
application for the previously discussed water main replacement project, the
city will pledge a 20% match ($150,000). This money would only be spent if the
grant is awarded to the City of Oxford.
Motion was made by Holt – Seconded – Windham to pledge a 20% match for the upcoming CDBG application, approved unanimous 7/0.
11. Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for Water Main Replacement Project
The CDBG application being submitted for the water main replacement project requires inclusion of a PER. Matt Pepper recommended that the Oxford City Council approve hiring Carter & Sloope to complete the PER at a cost of $6,000. If the grant is awarded, the Oxford City Council can consider hiring Carter & Sloope to manage the project’s execution. Motion was made by Ready – Seconded – Windham to hire Carter & Sloope to complete the PER, approved unanimous 7/0.
12. Resolution to Authorize Submission of Project to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) for the FY2020 Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG)
Appendix C
A proposed resolution was presented to the Oxford City Council by Matt Pepper designating Stone Street for repairs under the FY 2020 LMIG program. Mr. Windham asked if speed breaks could be installed on Stone Street as part of this project. Mr. Roseberry indicated the speed breaks would need to be discussed separately and should be brought up in the next work session. Motion was made by Ready – Seconded – Windham to approve the resolution designating Stone Street for the FY2020 LMIG program, approved unanimous 7/0.
13. Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement
Appendix D
Newton County Emergency Management Agency requests that the Oxford City Council approve the renewal of the Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement. The agreement is between the City of Oxford and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS). In the event of a disaster, this agreement will allow the city to use state resources for repair and cleanup efforts. It renews every four years. Motion was made by Windham – Seconded – Wearing – to approve the renewal of the Statewide Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement, approved unanimous 7/0.
14. Appointment of Nominees for the Trees, Parks and Recreation Board
Matt Pepper stated that the Trees, Parks and Recreation Board recommends Linda Allen, Robert Bayliss, Teresa Eady, Mike McQuaide, and Mike Rogers for membership on their board. Motion was made by Wearing – Seconded Holt – to approve the recommendations of the Trees, Parks and Recreation Board, approved unanimous 6/0.
15. 107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Mr. Wearing reported that the ad hoc Yarbrough House
Renovation Committee is still waiting for final drawings. He hopes they will be ready for the December
work session.
16. Whatcoat Street Project
Mr. Ready reported that after the
November 18, 2019 work session, they contacted Robert Jordan to request that
the plans be amended to extend the parking spaces on Whatcoat Street to George
Street, repeating the design used for parking in front of Allen Memorial United
Methodist Church. The ad hoc committee
is waiting for the revised plans.
17. Invoice Approval
Mr. Wearing inquired about the expiration date of the Bureau Veritas contract. Mr. Pepper advised the contract renews automatically on an annual basis in the summer. Mr. Roseberry asked Mr. Reid what is done to the water tank that costs about $3,000 per month. Mr. Reid advised they inspect it quarterly, and they drain and clean it out once per year. Mr. Reid advised he would research this issue further. Motion by Ready to approve October invoices - second Wearing, approved unanimous 7/0.
Mr. Windham requested
that replacement of the fence at the City of Oxford Maintenance Faility be
added to the December work session agenda.
Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:24 pm – Ready – Second – Williams, approved unanimous 7/0.
Personnel policies for the City of Oxford were discussed.
There being no
further business:
Motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 7:26 pm – Williams – second – Ready, approved unanimous 7/0.
Motion to approve the following appointments for the year 2020 was made by Windham – Second – Holt, approved unanimous 7/0.
C. David Strickland – City Attorney
Cheryl Freeman – Municipal Court Solicitor
Steve Hathorn – Municipal Court Judge
Dave Harvey – Chief of Police
Marcia Brooks – City Clerk
Motion to adjourn Regular Session at 7:29 pm – Williams – Second Wearing Approved unanimous 7/0.
Marcia Brooks
City Clerk