MEMBERS: Mr. Mark McGiboney, Chair; Ms.
Loren Roberts, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Ms. Kendra
Mayfield, and Ms. Martha Molyneux. Mr. Brian Barnard was absent.
STAFF: Matthew Pepper, assistant city
manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.
GUESTS: Kevin Clark, Paul Knight, Ryan
Yurcaba, and Christy Dodson, Historical Concepts. Erik Oliver, Oxford Resident.
OPENING: At 7:01 PM, Mr. McGiboney called
the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded
by Mr. Ready, the minutes for the meeting on January 31, 2018 were approved.
The vote was 6 – 0.
The DDA and the team
from Historical Concepts had a discussion regarding the firm’s proposal for the
development of E. Clark Street, and other town center areas. The proposal
consisted of four phases: E. Clark Street, Town Center, Fletcher Street, and
the residential area on the east side of Emory Street. The team from Historical
Concepts proposed two potential developments for E. Clark Street. The first
proposed development, based on the current zoning (R-20), would accommodate
approximately nine homes. The second proposed development, based on a
higher-density zoning designation (TC or R-7.5), would accommodate
approximately 18 homes. The city would need to provide the transportation
infrastructure (e.g. – streets, lighting, etc.) that would allow for the build
out of the residential development. The two groups also had a discussion on
preserving the historical and aesthetic value of Orna Villa (1008 Emory
Street), while still constructing housing on the E. Clark Street development.
It was decided that the housing development should limit the visual
interference of Orna Villa driving north on Hwy 81. In addition, it was decided
that the proposed housing development behind Orna Villa should include a
vegetative buffer.
OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA members and the team from
Historical Concepts will participate in a video conference meeting on Monday,
April 9th. The DDA will meet again on Wednesday, April 25th
at 7 PM at city hall.
ADJOURNMENT: Mr. McGiboney adjourned the meeting
at 8:52 PM.
Approved by:
Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer