MEMBERS: Ms. Martha Molyneux, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr.
Mike Ready, Mr. Brian Barnard, and Ms. Danielle Miller. Mr. Mark McGiboney was
STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.
GUESTS: Dave Huber; Jordan Shoemaker, Project Specialist,
Northeast Georgia Regional Commission.
OPENING: At 7:03 PM, Ms. Molyneux called the meeting to order.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Mr. Ready, the
minutes for the meeting on March 28, 2019 were approved. The vote was 4 – 0.
PROPERTY: Ms. Shoemaker reported that
on Wednesday, April 24th the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC)
issued, on the city’s behalf, a Request for Proposals (RFP) to architecture
firms to provide general concept-planning and provide an initial assessment of
the Yarbrough House property. Ms. Shoemaker further explained that the
architectural design firm will create building specifications and drawings as
to how future renovations need to occur and modifications for potential uses of
the house. The deadline for the proposals is May 28th. Ms. Shoemaker
explained that the DDA and the city’s Yarbrough House Renovation Committee can
continue brainstorming potential uses for the property while the NEGRC is
collecting proposals. The DDA discussed moving forward with the City Council as
a partner on reviewing the proposals and selecting an architecture firm.
DISCUSSION ON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ALONG SR 81: The DDA discussed approaching Historical Concepts
about the cost to engage the DDA in a planning exercise specifically focused on
the town center development. In addition, the DDA discussed the status of the post
office lease. Mr. Barnard will follow up with Mr. McGiboney about his
conversation with Historical Concepts and Rob Fowler.
mso-add-space:auto;line-height:normal'> OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA discussed the information sent out by Mr.
Pepper regarding the County’s interest in working with the Georgia Department
of Economic Development to create a Tourism Product Development Report for the area.
ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Molyneux adjourned the meeting at 7:40 PM.
Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer