Downtown Development Authority Meeting May 28, 2019

MEMBERS: Ms. Martha Molyneux, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, and Mr. Brian Barnard. Ms. Danielle Miller and Mr. Art Vinson were absent.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.

GUESTS: Dave Huber.

OPENING: At 7:04 PM, Ms. Molyneux called the meeting to order.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded by Mr. Eady, the minutes for the meeting on April 25, 2019 were approved. The vote was 4 – 0.

DISCUSSION ON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ALONG SR 81: The DDA discussed the proposal by Historical Concepts (HC) to complete the planning exercise for the town center development. The DDA agreed that HC’s proposed scope of work can be reduced to reflect a more generic site plan for the town center development. In addition, the DDA agreed to wait on hiring the Bleakly Advisory Group to conduct a market study (as recommended by HC) until they had a better idea of what civic, college, and park components might be incorporated into the site plan. To that end, the DDA recommended that they meet with HC to share their vision for the town center development. Also, the DDA discussed their budget in relation to the cost to hire HC to complete the new site plan.


Before the next meeting, the DDA members and staff will complete the following assignment:

  • =       Mr. Eady will contact Rob Fowler to find out when the post office’s lease with the United States Postal Service will terminate.
  • =       Mr. Pepper will confirm the amount paid to Historical Concepts to complete the visioning product for the E. Clark Street Development and the Strategic Investment Plan.
  • =       Mr. Pepper will discuss with Historical Concepts the organization’s fee structure for the town center visioning exercise and final product. 
  • =       Mr. Pepper will ask Councilmember Holt, the Chairman of the FY2020 Capital Budget Committee, to increase the DDA’s budgeted allocation of $30,000 to $50,000 for FY2020 to be used to help fund the town center visioning product. 
  • =       Mr. Pepper will confirm with Historical Concepts that they would be available to meet with the DDA on the evening (5 or 6 PM) of Tuesday, July 2nd.


OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA discussed potential candidates to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mark McGiboney.


ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Molyneux adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM.


Approved by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer