From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
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Police Department Totals – Chief Harvey prepared graphs showing totals through the first six months of the fiscal year compared to previous years. Click here to view them.
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Leaf Collection – We are little behind in our leaf collection. It has been so cold, that for some time, the leaf piles were frozen to the ground and the vacuum would not pick them up. As it warms up, we are catching up.
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Tabs - This is Miss Jane O'Toole. Jane is participating in our local 4-H organization in collecting can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. She has placed a collection bottle in our lobby. The tabs are collected by weight and proceeds are used to provide assistance to children and families in need through the Ronald McDonald Foundation. To assist Miss O'Toole with her project, we plan to put a notice on our home page to encourage citizens to save their tabs and drop them off when they visit city hall. Thanks to Lauran for helping set this up. |
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Verizon Lease – We have started to receive revenue from our water tower lease with Verizon so they can install a cell phone antenna. Click here to see the first check. We will submit a budget amendment soon to account for the additional $14,000 in revenue this fiscal year.
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LMIG - In December, City Council determined to submit the resurfacing of all of West Soule (0.452 miles) as our Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) program for FY2013. Georgia DOT has approved the request and we received a check for its share of $17,613.12 on Friday. Jody has been talking to Tom Garret, county engineer and Mayor Roseberry has been talking to Board of Commissioners Chair Keith Ellis and it may be that the county paving crew will be able to do this work. Oxford would pay for the asphalt. If this happens our funds may go a little further.
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Councilmember of the Month – Councilmember Terry Smith has appointed Laura McCanless of Wesley Street as councilmember of the month for February. She will join us for the January work session and the February council meeting.
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Department Head Training – The department heads (Lauran, Dave, and Jody) and I along with Lt. James Pilgrim, Scottie Croy, and Stacey Mullen are enrolling in a course offered by the International City County Management Association. It’s called Effective Supervisory Practices and will be taught in a webinar for an hour and a half once a month from January through June. We will each have a book and a study guide with required reading before every class. The first class is Thursday January 30 from 1 – 2:30 PM. We will meet in the council meeting room and watch the webinar on the screens on the council table.
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Inauguration – Here’s a picture from our meeting Monday night with the newly reelected councilmembers taking the oath of office from Judge Hathorn.

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Planning Commission – The Planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, January 14 has been cancelled. There were no requests pending. |