From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Martin Luther King Day – City Hall will be closed Monday, January 16th for the Martin Luther King Day holiday. Also, on Monday, Oxford College is planning a day of service. We’ve attached their brochure and here is their schedule. Beryl Budd volunteered to help supervise the work with trees and the privet pull.
8:30am- participants check-in and have breakfast
9:15am- welcome and keynote speaker
9:45am- travel to service sites
10:00am-12:00pm – service hours
— New Park Clean-Up (25 volunteers)
— Mulching Trees (25 volunteers)
— Privet Pull (25 volunteers)
— Oxford College Organic Farm (25 volunteers)
— Oxford Trail System ( 15 volunteers)
— Rathskeller Event (15 volunteers)
→ George Street paving – Newton County did the patching on Tuesday and the rough coat and finish coat for the resurfacing for George Street on Wednesday.
→ Police Department Statistics for December – The fiscal year is half over.