From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ I-20 Bridge and Emory Street Sidewalk Project – We will have to acquire several small easements as part of the Emory Street sidewalk project. Since the project contains federal funds, we have to follow federal rules for acquisition. One of the rules states that we CANNOT talk to the property owners until we receive a right-of-way acquisition notice to proceed from GDOT. We have not received that notice to proceed yet. In the meantime, I have attended the required right-of-way acquisition training. It was in Forsyth on February 10th. A copy of the certificate is attached.

→ Tree City Recognition – Councilmember Mike Ready and Tree Board Chair Cheryl Ready along with our city arborist, Beryl Budd, attended a state-wide celebration on Wednesday, February 17th for the State Arbor Day along with representatives of other Tree Cities in the state. We have attached a copy of the Press Release which explains the program. The picture includes Mike, Georgia Forestry Commission Director Robert Farris, Cheryl, and Beryl recieving the Certificate of Recognition for participating in Tree City USA for 18 years.
→ Public Works – Our crew was going from project to project Friday. We planted trees in locations selected by the Tree Board and arborist. We placed a tarp on the roof of 104 W Watson. And, meanwhile, the contractor was installing the insert-a-valve in the 10” water line serving the new college dining hall. Here are several pictures. We discussed several possibilities at the council meeting for replacing this 10” water main. We installed two insert-a-valves, but did not have to do either of the wet taps.