From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Honorary Councilmember – Councilmember Jim Windham appointed Todd Cain, Associate Director of Operations with Oxford College, as the Honorary Councilmember for April. Todd will join us for the March 20th work session and the April 3rd council meeting.
→ Oxford College Community Classroom – The first of two lectures this Spring will be Thursday, March 16th at 6 PM. That’s next week. The lecture is about Thomas Hart Benton’s Prodigal Son and will be given by Dr. David B. Gowler, Professor of Religion. Please see the attached flyer.
→ Stone Street Water Main Break – We had a major leak on the old transite pipe water main on Stone Street. The service line was just screwed into the main – and, after 50 years or so it worked its way out and blew a hole in the main. Here’s a picture of the small pond created by the leak and the hole that was blown in the line.
→ E-ticketing Software – Lauran, Dave, and I found the money in the Police Department budget to order the printers for the patrol cars. We are three quarters through the fiscal year and have enough left in the budget at this point. We held the training on the new software Friday. It was conducted by Kristie Taylor of Courtware. The software will enable us to write and print tickets using the laptops in the patrol cars. The data will automatically be transferred to the office computer which will help us prepare for city court. The software also prepares the patrol activity log and graphs we have been doing on a spreadsheet. It will be a big improvement.