From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Lt. James Pilgrim – Lt. Pilgrim received a special recognition certificate Thursday afternoon for his work in spotting a sewer stoppage problem. While following a suspicious person through the sewer and power line easement behind West Bonnell, Lt. Pilgrim alertly noticed a problem with a remote sewer main. The utility department repaired the problem the next day and was able to catch the problem early because of Lt. Pilgrim’s actions. Jody Reid and Bob Schwartz presented his certificate.

→ UGA Planning Workshop – Twelve students and two instructors from the University of Georgia were in Oxford Friday and Saturday to participate in a planning workshop. They presented an interim report Saturday afternoon at 2:00 PM. The final report will be presented at the City Council work session on Monday, April 18 at 6 PM. If you look closely in the picture you can spot councilmembers Windham, Holt, and Ready. Also attending were Cheryl Ready, chair of the Tree Board and Kendra Mayfield with Oxford College. Penny England with the Planning Commission attended the briefing but slipped out before the picture was taken.
→ Police Department – Here are the graphs for March.