From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→Work Order Summary – Click here for a summary of work orders for the month of April.
→Chipper Truck - The chipper truck that picks up brush has run 4 days this week. It usually takes a day and a half to complete the route. Last week’s storm, while it did not do a lot of major damage, brought down a lot of brush and limbs. It may take a week or so to get back on a 1 ½ day schedule. Not everyone cleaned their yards at the same time so we often have a pile on the curb the day after we have been by.
→Grapple Bucket - Here are some pictures of the new grapple bucket on the Bobcat picking up a giant log while clearing a fallen tree on the city right of way Friday. It works well and really speeds up the work.

→Police Department Totals - Here's the graph for the fiscal year through April.