From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ July 3rd Council Meeting Moved – Because the July Council meeting was scheduled for the day before our July 4th celebration, Mayor Roseberry has moved the Council meeting for July to Monday, July 10th. The work session will still be Monday, July 17th.
→ Gas Tank – We had a contractor clean, scrape, and paint the diesel and gasoline tank at the city shop. It was time to get this work done; the rust was gaining ground. We’ve included one “after” picture. The new paint job should last another ten years.
→ George Street Trail Extension – On Tuesday, we started advertising for bids for this project. We will place the ad in the Covington News and we have listed it with the GMA website: “Items for Bid”. As of Thursday four contractors had requested plan sets. The bids are due Thursday, June 15th. We will have a recommendation for award at the July 10th Council meeting.
→ Historic Signs Painting – We issued a Purchase Order to Erik Oliver for $3,250 for the restoration of the Methodist shrine marker at City hall and the large monument sign on Whatcoat. His goal is to be done by June 2nd.
→ 106 West Watson Street – Enviroprobe, LLC has completed the “Asbestos Survey and Report” for the Elliott property we purchased to complete the Asbury Street Park. Asbestos was found in the wall board and joint compound, the kitchen floor tile, and the transite siding. The inspector also included a proposal for $7,558 to abate the asbestos. Jody recommended, and I agreed, to get a price from this contractor and another for asbestos abatement along with the complete demolition in one job. We think we’ll save a little by doing both the abatement and the demolition together.

→ Street Patching – We awarded a contract for extensive street patching to Southland Paving Company at the March 6th Council meeting. Because of other jobs and scheduling difficulties, the job is started Friday. We are patching East Richardson, West Richardson, Oxford Drive, Oxford North Road, Wentworth Drive, and Longstreet Circle. With luck, by the time you read this, all the jobs will be done, if not by Friday, then by Monday. Here is the contractor moving in its equipment Thursday morning.
→ Old Church – I thought you would like to see what a packed Old Church looked like during the College’s Baccalaureate earlier this month.