From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→The Little Car That Could – I’ve just passed 12,000 miles on the car. According to its computer I’ve averaged 45.3 MPG for the last six months. You should know the car was cheaper than we thought. We paid $22,500 last August. That included $1,582.75 for the new motor vehicle tax but we are tax exempt so the Tax Commissioner refunded it to us. Then, Ford Motor Company wrote all C-Max owners a check for $550 because they changed the advertised MPG from 48 MPG to 43 MPG. So, our $22,500 car only cost us $20,377.25.
→Councilmember of the Month - Our councilmember of the month for June is Ms. Georgette Izen appointed by Councilmember David Eady. Her tour of the city was Friday. Here she is with Lauran Willis during her visit to the City Clerk’s office.
→Emory and Asbury Water Project - We continue to make progress. The water line is just about complete and the sidewalk is well underway. We’ll have a more complete report next week after our monthly progress meeting on Wednesday.