→ Oxford College Science Building – Construction is continuing. A lot of the work is now on the inside, but they are still very busy on the outside.
→ Civil War Heritage Trails – We received the attached thank you letter from Steve Longcrier of the Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails.
→ Honorary Councilmember of the Month – Councilmember Pace has appointed Katherine Grace as the Honorary Councilmember of the Month for July. She is a sophomore at Oxford College and is working with the organic farm this summer.
Ms. Grace is our first student honorary councilmember of the month. Her lunch and tour were Friday.
→ Summer Programs at Oxford College – Here is a release from Oxford College detailing their visitors this summer.
→ Conferences make for a busy summer scene
Classes at Oxford end each year in early May and resume in late August. Students and most faculty are away during that period, but activity does not end. There is just a change of schedule, and the campus is alive with a variety of camps, conferences and other events.
A high-profile event each year is the Oxford Institute for Environmental Education (OIEE), taking place this year June 7 through 12 at Oxford’s OxHouse Science Center. OIEE provides an opportunity for science teachers in grades K-12 to collaborate with Oxford’s biology faculty, gaining new science teaching methods and investigative techniques, which they can then take back to their classrooms in the fall. Since its founding in 1991, OIEE has trained more than 300 teachers and by extension has influenced science education for thousands of students throughout the region. Participation is competitive, and OIEE attracts teachers from across Georgia and north Florida.
From June 23 to 26, dozens of entering students will be on campus for Own Oxford, a three-day/four-night opportunity to experience the campus prior to regular orientation in August. In a relaxed and fun atmosphere participants meet other students and learn about Oxford’s opportunities for service, community and leadership.
The record for number of summers on Oxford’s campus quite possibly belongs to the Georgia Teen Institute, a leadership and substance- abuse prevention program for middle and high school youth from across the state. The organization holds its twenty-seventh conference on the Oxford campus this summer.
Other groups that have chosen Oxford’s facilities for their summer sessions include: