From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ In-town deer – Mayor Roseberry took this picture of a doe and her fawns in front of the Murdy residence on Wesley August 2, 2015 about 5pm. “When we stopped to take the picture they looked at us for a moment, then resumed eating their dinner.”
→ Tree Removal – On Wednesday, our contractor, Scarborough Tree, was removing the very large and diseased oak tree in front of the McCanless’s on Wesley Street. It was a large tree and required a large crane.

→ Oxford College Move-In Day – Wednesday, Chief Harvey and I met with Bob Walker, Director of Campus Police; Michele Hempfling, Director of Residential Education and Services; and Kendra Mayfield to discuss the college’s plans for move-in day. This year over 400 freshmen will move into Oxford on Friday, August 21st. They officially start moving in at 8 AM but some show up as early as 6:30 AM. Generally, the dorms open at 7:30 AM. It’s a full day of activities for the freshman and their parents ending with the “Coke Toast” at 5:15 PM on the Quad. The sophomores move in on Tuesday, August 25th, but it is much smoother – the numbers are a little less (some are already here) and they know where they are going. On Friday, August 21st, you will see students waving the new arrivals into campus.
→ Newton County Tourism – I attended a lunch and learn at the Chamber of Commerce and picked up these two attachments. The “July visitors” counts the number of visitors to the visitors center at the Chamber. In July they had 3,683 visitors from 31 states and 14 countries. They have summarized the value of tourism to the community on the other attachment “Newton County Tourism”. They have measured about $113.8 million in direct tourist spending. Much of this is a result of the popularity of the Vampire Diaries.
→ Lt. James Pilgrim – Lt. Pilgrim is continuing with his classes in police supervision. We've attached a copy of his certificate for the recent one-week class in Forsyth. This class covered stress management, time management, and employee discipline, among other topics. Congratulations to Lt. Pilgrim.