From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ LMIG FY2014 – We have closed the file on our LMIG (Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant) for FY2014. This is the money from the state DOT that we used to help resurface West Soule Street. We have enclosed a copy of the letter closing the project. And if FY2014 is finished then FY2015 cannot be far behind. We will have recommendations for a street to be resurfaced to discuss during the work session on October 20. Our allocation from the state for FY2015 is $18,279.93. The local match required is 30% so the total project will be at least $23,763.91.
Family Fun Night – The Newton County Family Fun night was held in the Wal-Mart parking lot Thursday night. It included representatives from all public safety organizations in the area. The Oxford Police Department was well represented.
Equipment Trailer – You may have noticed the new equipment trailer for the police department in the background of the pictures. This was funded from the small equipment part of the police department budget. It will be used for events like Family Fun Night, to haul the portable radar sign, and to carry equipment to and from the firing range.