From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Georgia City County Managers Association – Next week, I will be in Dunwoody part of Wednesday, all of Thursday, and part of Friday for the fall meeting of the Georgia City County Managers Association.
Honorary Councilmember – Our honorary councilmember for December is Mr. Charlie Gaither, 1401 Wesley Street. His lunch and tour will be Friday, November 14 beginning at noon. He will attend the work session on November 17 and the council meeting on December 1st. PS. I’ve attached a picture of November’s Honorary Councilmember Vivian Harris along with Mayor Roseberry and Senator Ramsey.
Water Leak – Sometimes water leaks are in the most inconvenient places. When Tom Turner helped design the city shop he included an 8” concrete slab to handle the heavy equipment stored in the building. We had an old water line spring a leak under the driveway slab Thursday. It took a while to cut through the slab.
Halloween on the Square – The police department did a good job representing the city on the Square in Covington on Halloween.
