From Bob Schwartz, City Manager

→ Pole Attachment Agreement – The Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) has negotiated a new “Joint Use Agreement” which governs how AT&T attaches to our utility poles and how we attach to their telephone poles. Our old agreement with AT&T was dated 1974. We paid them $1 for every pole we used and AT&T paid us $1 for each pole they used. The new rate from the statewide agreement calls for us to pay AT&T $31.38 for each of their poles we use and AT&T to pay us $25.25 for each pole of ours they use. We pay more because we reserve 8 feet while they reserve 2 feet. Because we own most of the poles in Oxford, the result of this new agreement is that instead of receiving an annual check for $195 from AT&T, we will receive a check for $3,949.08. This annual payment will change as the pole inventory changes. You should know that the penalty clauses for failing to remove equipment from abandoned poles have been increased. ECG is hopeful this will encourage AT&T to do a better job in relocating their lines when we replace poles. Finally, this is for “AT&T” only and NOT for “AT&T Cellular” – that’s a different statewide agreement that ECG is working on.
→ Lights at City Shop – Here is a picture of an employee of Ozburn Electric installing the new lights at the city shop last week. The new lights use less energy, are instant on, and are motion sensitive so we will not leave them burning all night. If anyone breaks in the lights will come on and the video cameras will be able to capture pictures.
→ Town Center Development Study – Nina Kelly with NEGRC has completed her recommendations concerning the development of our town center. She included a lot of reference material so I have a small notebook for you in my office. If you think you will need reading material over the Christmas break, please come by and pick it up. If not, we’ll have the notebooks for you at the council meeting on January 5th.
→ Holiday Schedule – Remember our holiday schedule is that city hall will be closed beginning at noon on Wednesday and remain closed all day Thursday and Friday. The next week we will be closed only on Thursday, January 1st.
