From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ North Georgia Camera Club shootout – On Saturday, October 12th, 2013, a great many
photographers from 5 regional camera clubs met together at Oxford College of Emory University in
Oxford, Georgia and competed in the 2013 North Georgia Camera Club Council's annual photography
shootout sponsored by Showcase Photo & Video in Atlanta. The competition was fierce but friendly
as teammates from 5 photo clubs gathered their courage and sharpened their skills. They worked very
hard to "beat the clock" in what has become North Georgia's premiere photo scavenger hunt. By 2 p.m.
on Saturday, all 5 clubs had turned in their images to the judging staff, made up of photo instructors from
local educational institutions and experienced professional photographers. The contest categories, selected
early in the day, are listed as follows:
1 - Shapes - In the Middle
2 - Technique - Panning Motion
3 - Creative - Accidental Letters
4 - Nature - Urban Nature
5 - Architecture - Weathered Architecture
They roamed all over Newton County. The winning pictures are on this web site:
→ Tree City USA – Cheryl Ready, chair of the Tree Board, has completed the annual recertification application
so we can maintain our Tree City status. It’s a long form, but this year Cheryl was able to complete it online
on the Tree City web site.

→ October court speeding tickets– We had 16 speeders in the 35mph zone with an average speed of 54.1mph
and a top speed of 62mph. We had 11 speeders in the 25mph zone with an average speed of 45.4mph and a top
speed of 54mph. We also had one speeder going 61 in a 45 and one speeder going 48 in a 30.
→ Georgia City-County Management Association – I will be attending the fall conference of the city
managers next week. I will be out of the office Wednesday (10/23) afternoon until Friday (10/25) afternoon.
We are meeting in Douglasville at the Douglasville Conference Center. We usually have almost 100 city and
county managers in attendance.
→ Councilmember of the Month – Mrs. Emmie Johnson is the councilmember of the month for November,
appointed by Mayor Roseberry. Her tour was Tuesday, October 15.
→ GMA District Meeting – Georgia Municipal Association’s 5th District Fall Meeting is Tuesday, October 29, 2013
at the Commerce Civic Center in Commerce, Georgia. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm and conclude by 8:00 pm.
Dinner will be provided. Please let me know by Tuesday, October 22 if you would like to ride to the meeting
with me.
→ Public Safety Family Fun Night – Our police department (Chief Harvey and Lt. Pilgrim) participated in the Public
Safety Family Fun Night in the Wal-Mart parking lot Thursday night. Here are some pictures.