From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ All Call – Currently the allcall email only works for those of us with an email address.
I have called Sophicity (our IT support contractor) and they are going to make it possible for
councilmembers to access this from the email addresses that you use the most. We’ll do another test
to announce when it’s ready. We also have asked them to automatically forward council’s email from
the address to the one you use the most.
→ Council Retreat – We have attached a couple of pictures from the meeting yesterday at the Oxford
College Library.
→ Scare on the Square– Just after we finished the retreat, Chief Harvey, Lt. Pilgrim, and both their wives:
Angela Pilgrim and Wynema Harvey set up a tent at the Square in Covington. They represented our city
well. We have attached a few photos from that event, too.
→ Water Certification – Scottie Croy attended the Georgia Rural Water Conference last week and earned
10 points toward retaining his water distribution certificate. I’ve attached a copy (SKMBT).