From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Basketball Goals – The Police Department has notified all the owners of basketball
goals on the city right of way about the new ordinance. It has been very successful.
On Monday, November 11, 2013, Chief Harvey reported:
“After riding through the city this morning, it appears everyone has complied with
the new basketball goal ordinance and the goals have been removed from the city
rights of way. Hopefully, this will put an end to the many complaints we have been
receiving from Oxford citizens regarding that issue.”

Dave Harvey
Police Chief
→ Stormwater – As I mentioned last week, the state Department of Natural Resources is using
our stormwater plan as a model for cities our size. We’ve attached a copy of the letter we
finally received approving the amended plan. This doesn’t look like much, but it’s a big deal!
→ Maps– As requested at the City Council retreat, I met Monday with Kenny Gilbert who is
the GIS and mapping expert with NEGRC. He is working on an interactive web application
that will allow us to put most of our maps on the Internet with a link from our web page. All
the material is referenced to our base map. We will continue to add layers as we add more
information. For example, we will add the locations of all the places of significance that are
being identified as part of the 175th birthday celebration. This is the first project Kenny is
doing like this, so we’ll be the test case.