From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Emory Asbury Water Project – We have notified Anderson Grading & Pipeline that their
low bid was accepted at the council meeting Monday night. The contract documents are being
prepared and will be complete before the preconstruction conference which will be held at
8:30 AM on Wednesday December 18. We have attached a copy of the memo from Marty
Boyd setting up the preconstruction conference.
→ Cook Road Pressure Reducing Valve – The 12” pressure reducing valve has been installed
and was put into service on Tuesday. The new water line is now helping to supply water to the
southern part of the city. Jody, Scottie, and Dustin spent almost five hours with the engineer and
the contractor as the new line and valve were put into service. This involved monitoring and
adjusting the pressure along with opening and closing several fire hydrants. We have a schematic
of a pressure reducing valve along with a picture of our valve (almost three feet in diameter) installed.
→ Victoria Station Pump Station– We have a lift station as part of our sewage system at Victoria
Station. The lift station contains two 2” grinder pumps. One of the pumps failed Friday morning and
will need to be replaced at a cost of almost $3,000. Pumps in a lift station fail from time to time
because they operate in such a difficult environment. In an attempt to get the pump started again, our
crew removed about one 90 gallon garbage cart of grease. It’s not very appetizing, but I have included
a picture.

→ Police Department – Here are the police department totals by fiscal year through November.