From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ GMA Insurance Collections Program – We participate in the delinquent insurance business
license collection program offered by the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA). Insurance companies
are responsible for a $40 business license fee in every city where they do business. Since few insurance
companies have local offices, this is a difficult tax to collect. GMA has a program to make sure every city
receives what it should. This year GMA collected $2,020 on our behalf. We budgeted $12,000 for
business license revenue in FY2014 so the GMA program collected 17% of our total. (See More)
→ City Court and Speeding Tickets – City court was held Thursday, December 19, 2013. We had eleven
tickets for speeding in a 25 MPH zone with an average speed of 46.8 MPH. Two tickets tied for the highest
with a speed of 52 MPH. We had twelve tickets in the 35 MPH zone with an average speed of 54.3 MPH.
The highest speed was 66 MPH or 31 MPH over the limit! We also had one ticket for doing 49 MPH in a 30
MPH zone.
→ Emory & Asbury Water Project– We held the preconstruction conference Wednesday morning. We have
attached the letter we mailed Thursday to all the residents who will be affected by this project. The contractor is
going to start Monday, January 6 and is scheduled to finish with everything but planting the replacement trees by
August 4, 2014. Connie Head’s advice was not to plant the replacement trees in the summer, but to wait until
February, 2015. We have attached a copy of the pre-construction conference minutes.
→ Merry Christmas – City Hall will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday. I’ll be in Columbia, SC Tuesday through
the end of the week. I’ll check the cell phone for calls and emails.