From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ STWP – We received the attached letter from Brian Williamson, deputy commissioner, DCA,
congratulating the city on completing our Short Term Work Program and awarding the Qualified
Local Government status to the City of Oxford(see it here). It’s a big deal; congratulations to one and all and
special thanks to John Devine of Northeast Georgia Regional Commission for shepherding us through
the process.
→ Public Works Schedule – We have attached the public works schedule completed for this
week and what is planned for next week(see it here).
→ Cook Road Water Project – We are participating in a part of this project. The project is being
managed for the Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority by the engineer Marty Boyd with
Carter & Sloope. The work is about 75% complete and it is anticipated that the project will be
finished by the end of May.
→ Oxford College Groundbreaking – Here are some pictures Dave Harvey took during the
Groundbreaking Ceremony Tuesday for the East Village III dormitory.