From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Whatcoat Trees – The contractor completed the work trimming the 14 oak trees on Whatcoat
last week.

→ George Street – One of the last projects in the FY2013 budget is the reconductoring project for
the electric lines on George Street. Marable-Pirkle has started work on the contract recently awarded
by Council.
→ Dawn Towns and Amanda Vincent– Dawn has completed two online courses offered by the Electric
Cities of Georgia. Amanda has completed one course. We’ve attached a copies of their certificates:
Amanda Dawn Lauran
→ Lauran Willis – Among her many duties, Lauran is our Superintendent of Elections. She has recently
completed her required 12 hours of biannual continuing education.
→ MEAG Meeting – Jody Reid and I met with Paul Warfel, regional MEAG consultant, and David Majors,
an engineer with MEAG, on Monday. It was the annual MEAG briefing and review on the condition of our
substation. Jody discussed the recent outage and they are going to check on how the fuses in the substation
are replaced. All in all, we are in good shape. We have two banks of transformers in the substation and each
has enough capacity to operate the entire city if the other bank is out.