From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Honorary Councilmember – Councilmember Holt has appointed Mrs. Gwendolyn Green,
Godfrey Street to serve as honorary councilmember for September. She will attend the work
session on August 19 and the council meeting on Monday, September 9 (one week later
because of the Labor Day holiday on September 2).
→ ECG Board Committees – The Board of the Electric Cities of Georgia has set up three
advisory committees to help the Board relate better to the member cities. I volunteered to
serve on one committee and ended up on two: the Customer Advisory Committee and the
Services Committee - Distribution Engineering. I understand customer services and I’ll rely
on Jody for help with distribution engineering. The ECG board has never had advisory
committees so I don’t know how often they meet.
→ A Tree Fell on Moore Street– That should not be much of a story but it is. Last week a
limb fell out of this tree on Moore Street. Our crew was there to cut and clean up the limb.
They had just left for chain saws and to go back to their trucks when the rest of the tree fell.
Ten minutes sooner and we may well have had some injuries. As it was the hood on Jody’s
truck was dented. It was big tree - - and on its own, it decided to come down in stages.

→ New police car – As you arrive for the Council meeting Monday night, see if you can tell
which car is which. Here’s a picture of Chief Harvey’s car and the new car.