From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Request from Curtis Jackson – We received a request from Curtis Jackson to remove a parcel of
land he owns from the City of Oxford electric service area. As you know electric service areas are set
by a state law adopted in 1971 and are very hard to change. In this case, there is no reason to try to
change the boundaries. Most of the parcel in question is in the Snapping Shoals EMC area. The barn
where Mr. Jackson wants electric service is in the Snapping Shoals EMC area. I sent Mr. Jackson a
letter and a map explaining the boundaries. I have attached two documents – his request and my reply
- the map attached to my reply helps to explain it. Request is here and reply is here
→ Oxford College Freshmen Move In – Friday was move in day for the freshmen. There are over
500 freshmen this year. It was crowded but the college staff, the campus police, and the student
orientation helpers handled it well. The sophomores move in next Tuesday, but it’s not going to be
quite as crowded.

→ Freshmen Welcome– Oxford College held a short ceremony on the Quad Friday afternoon to
welcome the freshmen. Mayor Roseberry welcomed them as new residents of the City of Oxford.