From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ Oxford College Orientation Counselors – We are playing host and serving a lunch next
Friday, August 16 beginning at 11:30 AM to about 27 of the sophomore orientation counselors
from Oxford College along with a few staff members. This is part of the college’s preparation
for “Move In Day” on Friday, August 23. We will have a couple of presentations during lunch
– from the Mayor, the Police Chief, and the City Judge. We would like as many councilmembers
as possible to join us. Please let me know by Tuesday if you can join us for lunch on Friday,
August 16, so we can order the right number of lunches. Thanks.
→ Cell Phone Antenna on Water Tower – The attorney working for Verizon is sending us the
final agreement. I sent an earlier draft to Terry Smith who agreed with the terms Greg Fender,
our consultant from GMA, has negotiated on our behalf. We will review the full agreement at
the August 19 work session.
→ Police Department Graphs– Here are the totals for July.