From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→Spring Break – In case you don’t already know, Oxford College Spring Break
is next week.
→ Radar Speed Sign – With the help of the Newton County Sheriff’s Office, Chief
Harvey has had a radar speed sign installed on Emory Street just about at the
city barn for people coming into town from the north. We’ll see if this
helps remind drivers to slow down. Try it out this weekend.

→ New Oxford College Dormitory – We have received the pre-development application
along with the plans for the new dorm. It’s called East Village III. It will be
located at the corner of Hammil and Haygood, just across Hammil from the existing
East Village complex. The new dorm will be about the size of one of the two East
Village dorms. The Planning Commission held a work session Friday morning to discuss
this project. The formal review of the pre-development application will take place at
the next regular Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 PM.
→ UGA Design Studio – The UGA design studio students will be finished next week. They are
going to present to the Planning Commission Tuesday evening. We have scheduled a
luncheon to thank them for their efforts on Friday (March 15) at noon. This will be a
good chance for them to present to city council. We have invited representatives from
Porterdale and the Newton County Water & Sewer Authority where they also have done
→ FY2014 Budget – Dave, Lauran, Jody, and I have started work on the FY 2014 budget
(July, 2013 – June, 2014). The department heads are working on their requests and
will submit them to me next Friday.
→ Economic Development – My next session of the DCA economic development academy class
is Thursday, March 14 in Athens. I’ll be there all day.