From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ ARBOR DAY IS SATURDAY - The program is from 10 AM until noon in the Council chambers.
Almost all of the program will be indoors. Here's a secret - the Arbor Day tree was planted
Friday afternoon - the weather may be too wet and too cold to do it Saturday morning. Instead,
we will spread ceremonial mulch Saturday. Georgia Economic Development Academy.
Wednesday for Planning Commissioner training. It's an all-day session.
→ Economic Development - I attended the first of four sessions in Athens Thursday as part of the
→ Planning Commissioner training- I will go with Vivian Harris and Mike Ready to Athens next

→ Public Works – activities during this week:
• Located sewer service at 111 E. Richardson St.
• Flushed fire hydrants on Asbury St. due to customer complaints of muddy water.
• Pruned tree on right of way of W. Bonnell St. It had a broken limb and dead wood we removed.
• Replaced cut off in water service line at 502 Emory St.
• Removed poles along Asbury St. that were left from pole change out project.
• Attended 4 hour class for DOT approved traffic flagging class through ECG.
• Attended a 3 hour pole climbing safety class through ECG.
• Maintained weekly work orders
• We do our monthly electric safety meetings with the City Covington. The classes are
conducted by ECG. One month we go to Covington and the next month the Covington electric
department comes here. Here are two pictures of this month’s training session. You’ll
notice they pretty much fill up our parking lot.

→ UUGA Students – The UGA design class is working on our project. A small part of it is to
consider the impact and possible future of the Rosenwald School site. They were in town
Thursday and we went to the site. I learned that the hardy orange plants on the property
have some pretty sharp thorns.