MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George
Holt; Mike Ready; Jim Windham, Councilmembers David Eady and Melvin Baker were
not present for this meeting.
OTHERS PRESENT: City Attorney David Strickland; City Clerk Lauran Willis.
Executive Session
At 7:51 pm Mayor Roseberry announced we will have a 5 minute break and
then go into an executive session for personnel matters and real estate
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Baker to go into an executive session
at 8:01 pm. The motion was approved 7/0.
Personnel - There was discussion regarding a new City Manager. Council
met with and interviewed Mr. James Smith.
After deliberation, it was a 7/0 consensus to offer Mr. Smith the
position as City Manager.
Real Estate – Mayor Roseberry informed Council we have a sales contract in play for the 107 W. Clark Street property across from City Hall.
Mr. Atchison had originally requested $220,000 but has agreed to $200,000. The closing is set for May 11th.
City Attorney David Strickland updated council on the E. Clark Street condemnation. Strickland said there were additional funds assessed due to the updated appraisal and accrued interest and advised Council to go ahead and settle the charges to put a stop on additional fees until the case is settled.
Strickland updated Council on his conversations with Mrs. Joyce Sullivan who is executor of the Rita White property on George Street. He will keep Council informed of any negations.
There was some discussion regarding the Williams Property on Williams Road. Eady suggested having someone who knows the family make an introduction for conversation to see if the family is
willing to sell.
There being no further business:
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to leave the executive session and return to the regular session at 8:33 pm. The motion was approved 7/0.
A motion was made by Baker, seconded by Davis to authorize City Attorney David Strickland to proceed with the purchase of the property at 107 W. Clark Street. The motion was approved 7/0.
A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Ready to adjourn at 8:37 pm. The motion was approved 7/0.
Respectfully submitted
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk