Rezoning Request - The Planning Commission recommends approval of the request from Oxford College to rezone the lot at 805 Whatcoat Street from R-20 to Institutional and recommends approval to rezone the lot at 107 George Street with conditions.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George Holt; Melvin Baker; Jim Windham and Mike Ready. Councilmember David Eady was not in attendance.
OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Schwartz, City Manager; Matthew Pepper, Assistant City Manager; David Strickland, City Attorney; Jeff Novak, Lieutenant; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Kendra Mayfield, Darryl Welch, Cheryl Ready, Peggy Madden, Jan Lewandowski, Louise Eady, Anderson Wright, Terry Smith, Terri Fullerton, Pastor Charlie Williams from Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Patsy Burke, Jeff Wearing.
City Manager Bob Schwartz announced that the purpose of this public hearing is for a recommendation and approval of a request from Oxford College to rezone the lot at 805 Whatcoat Street from (R-20) Residential to Institutional and approval to rezone the lot at 107 George Street with conditions, to provide for additional parking. Schwartz presented a layout depicting the request and explained the areas affected. He then turned the meeting over for any discussion and comments. Terri Fullerton - 208 W. Clark Street spoke on behalf of Allen Memorial Church and said the church is in favor of the proposed plan. Jan Lewandowski - 109 George Street said she is opposed to the plan. There being no further questions or comments the Public Hearing was closed at 7:08 PM. Attachment A
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor and the invocation given by Hoyt Oliver.
Pledge of Allegiance:
A motion was made by Windham,
seconded by Baker to accept the Agenda for June 5, 2017 Mayor and Council
Regular Meeting. The motion was approved 6/0. Attachment A
Mayor Roseberry announced Darryl Welch as the Honorary Councilmember
for June appointed by Councilmember Sarah Davis. Mayor Roseberry presented him
with a Proclamation as appreciation for his participation. Attachment B
Consent Agenda
a. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May
1, 2017.
Motion to approve the Minutes of the Work Session May 15, 2017.
c. Motion to accept the Minutes of the Planning Commission for
April 11, 2017.
Majority vote adopted. Attachment C a-c
LaTrelle Oliver – 312 W. Clark Street addressed Council
with concerns regarding the recycling and garbage pickup. Oliver said she has
noticed only one truck picking up both items and asked why. Mayor Roseberry asked Jody Reid, Utility
Superintendent to look into this matter.
Terri Fullerton – 208 W. Clark Street thanked Council on
behalf of the Newton County 4-H for the use of the Community Room accommodating
their monthly meetings.
Mayor Roseberry made the following announcements:
1. The Highway 81 and 142 intersection
has been completed. Signs are up directing traffic to use 142.
Roseberry said we hope this will reduce the
number of large trucks traveling through Oxford.
2. Roseberry introduced Matthew Pepper, Assistant
City Manager currently in training with City Manager
Bob Schwartz until his retirement
on June 30, 2017.
Roseberry announced that the Regular Session meeting for July 3rd
has been rescheduled to July 10th so as
not to interfere with the parade
preparations and the annual picnic.
City Manager Bob Schwartz presented a report from the Planning
Commission recommending the approval of a request from Oxford College to rezone
the lot at 805 Whatcoat Street from R-20 Residential to Institutional and
recommends approval to rezone the lot at 107 George Street with conditions. He said if the zoning is approved, the
College will return to the Planning Commission with a development permit
application for the construction of a parking lot.
A motion was made by Baker, seconded
by Windham to approve the zoning request as stated. The motion was approved 6/0. Attachment D
Pierce Street
Kendra Mayfield presented a request to Council of a revised concept by
Oxford College for the improvements to the Pierce Street entrance.
A motion was made by Holt, seconded
by Windham to accept the request for Pierce Street project as presented. The motion was approved 6/0. Attachment E
Grand Marshal for July 4th
Councilmember Sarah Davis nominated Ms. Avis Williams as Grand Marshal
for the 2017 July 4th Celebration.
A motion was made by Davis, seconded by Windham to approve the nomination. The
motion was approved 6/0.
Budget and Capital Budget for FY2018
City Manager Bob Schwartz presented the Operating and Capital Budgets for
FY2018 with a Budget Resolution for adoption along with a Career Ladder Plan to
be added to our Employee Handbook.
A motion was made by Ready, seconded
by Holt to adopt the FY2018 Budgets and the Career Ladder Plan. The motion was
approved 6/0. Attachment F
Assistant City
Manager Job Description
This item was tabled for further discussion at the June 19th work
session. Attachment G
DDA Projects Discussion
Mayor Roseberry has requested that Council discuss the City’s
commitments to the new DDA, particularly covering the E. Clark project. Councilmember Mike Ready said that since
January when we approved the DDA there have been several meetings. Ready said
we need to support the DDA in their efforts for the development of the property
on E. Clark Street. Ready said Council will need to start working on a zoning
request of certain properties that will allow them to move forward. Ready also said that the DDA is working with
an attorney to create an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City and DDA at
which time they will request City Clerk/Treasurer to set up a bank account for
funding. Councilmember Baker said we
need to work with the DDA making sure they know what the citizens want. Mayor Roseberry said Council should indicate
to the DDA that they will turn property over to them with funding of $30,000.
A motion was
made by Windham, seconded by Holt to approve these recommendations as
indicated. The motion was approved 6/0.
Utility Pole
Inspection and Replacement
City Manager Bob Schwartz said the FY2017 Capital Budget included
funding for this project. Schwartz said we have completed the pole inspections
finding 20 poles that need to be replaced. Schwartz said we are going to use
our crew to replace 10 and have 10 that will need to be replaced by a contractor
due to the risk and intensity. Schwartz
presented two bids with a recommendation for Council to approve a purchase
order for the low bid from Over and Under Contractors for $23,240. Utility Superintendent Jody Reid said he has
looked at the poles and has determined which ones they can handle and the ones
the contractor will do.
A motion was made by Holt, seconded
by Ready to approve the proposal from Over and Under Contractor to replace 10
poles as indicated. The motion was approved 6/0. Attachment H
106 West Watson Street
City Manager Bob Schwartz said this is the last parcel in the Asbury
Street Park. Schwartz said we have completed the asbestos assessment and found
asbestos in the wall board and joint compound, the kitchen tile, and all of the
exterior siding. Schwartz presented two
bids for the abatement and demolition with a recommendation to Council for the
approval of a purchase order for the low bid from Enviroprobe, LLC for $18,750.
A motion was made by Windham,
seconded by Baker to approve the proposal from Enviroprobe, LLC for the
abatement and demolition of the house at 106 West Watson Street. The motion was approved 6/0. Attachment I
OVER $1,000.00
City Oxford Utilities
City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on
Richardson Utilities for (May)
Georgia Municipal Association
Employee Retirement Contributions
Health Insurance (May)
City of Covington
Quarterly Sewer Service
Latham Home Sanitation Co. Inc.
Monthly curbside service for May
Newton County BOC
Water Purchase Cornish Creek Water
Fund for April
Newton County Water & Sewer
Monthly Sewer charges 03/30/17 – 04/27/2017
IT in a Box (May) Invoice 8484
IT in a Box (June)
Invoice 8596
Southeastern Power Admin.
SEPA energy cost (April)
Apollo Staffing
Temp services from week ending 5/5/2017
Powerline Tree Trimming Week ending
Powerline Tree Trimming Week ending 4/29/2017
15 Utility Poles
David Strickland P.C.
Professional Services Invoice# 11950/11953/11952
David Strickland P.C.
Professional Services Invoice#
12010 May
MasterCard Services
Election training 2/City Manager’s & Honorary Council
lunch/Apprenticeship training + hotel fees for Jay/Chiefs annual membership
dues + other misc.
MasterCard Services
4 folding tables/health ins
luncheon/supplies, lunch and snacks for DDA training/Asbury Park
Committee/ECG Conference registration for Jody/4th July promo
items/ 2017 Chiefs conference and registration fees + other.
Piedmont Preservation
DDA Training
The Hall Company
Laser Utility Bills and Envelopes
Treadwell, Tamplin & Co.
Professional Services Interim billing for FY2016 Audit
Woco Pep Oil, Inc.
Fuel + HTF Power Tran (April)
Erik Oliver
Restore Methodist Shrine marker at
City Hall and 1960 Brick Monument at Whatcoat Street
Gerald Whitley & Son
Cabinets/countertop installed & finished Clerks Office
Gerald Whitley & Son
Paint Fuel Tank/primer/2 coats
finish/wash concrete pad
Harris Local Government
Annual Software Maintenance of all modules &
HCS Services, LLC
Install water service Airport
road/Oxford N., Fletcher St and 2 Sewer tap cleanouts
HCS Services, LLC
Install Sewer tap on Wesley street
Jordan Engineering
Resch & Prepare water line
construction estimates Invoice #14120/ Review, update and issue 29 sewer
easement exhibits for Sewer Areas 1 & 3, Invoice 14119, Estimates for new
sidewalks, sidewalk design overlay etc.
Scarborough Tree
Remove dead pine 510 Haygood/Dead
Oak at 402 Moore Street, Oak at Wesley, Dead pines in cemetery, and Queen Ann
and Wesley Street.
Southland Paving Co. LLC
Asphalt Patching, E. Richardson, W. Richardson, Oxford
Drive, Oxford North, Wentworth Drive, Longstreet Circle
A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Baker to approve payment of the invoices. The motion was approved 7/0.
Executive Session
Roseberry announced that the Executive Session is cancelled. The items for discussion will be move the work session on June 19th for further discussion.
Respectfully submitted,
Lauran Willis
City Clerk