Downtown Development Authority’s Minutes December 1, 2020


Minutes – December 1, 2020

MEMBERS: Mr. Mike Ready, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Ms. Laura McCanless, Mr. Art Vinson, and Mr. Ray Wilson. Mr. Brian Barnard and Ms. Danielle Miller were absent.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, City Manager and DDA Secretary/Treasurer; Marcia Brooks, City Clerk.

GUESTS: No guests were in attendance.

SITE VISIT THE CITY GREENSPACE: The DDA made a site visit to the city greenspace. During the site visit, the DDA discussed the follow items related to the farmer’s market: the orientation of the market on the greenspace, locations for potential signage and barriers along Emory Street/SR 81, traffic flow and parking along E. Clark Street, and locations to install picnic tables. Prior to the meeting, Mr. Wilson took aerial photographs of the greenspace. He will send the photographs to the DDA. The DDA will next develop a proposal for making low-cost improvements to the city greenspace. They will present their proposal to the Mayor and Council for approval.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Ready adjourned the meeting at 4:45 PM.

Submitted by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer