MEMBERS: Ms. Loren Roberts, Vice-Chair; Mr.
Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Mr. Brian Barnard, and Ms. Martha Molyneux. Mr.
Mark McGiboney was absent.
STAFF: Matthew Pepper, assistant city
manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.
GUESTS: There were no guests in attendance.
OPENING: At 7:00 PM, Ms. Roberts called the
meeting to order.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded by Mr. Eady, the minutes for the meeting on March 21, 2018 were approved. The vote was 5 – 0.
DRAFT: The DDA members
reviewed the design rendering for the E. Clark Street Development. They
recommended that Indian Creek Drive be shifted further east to protect private
property owners from owning a home too close to a flood plain. Shifting the
street would also give the city the opportunity to keep and maintain the
vegetative buffer between the city limits and the industrial development on the
other side of Dried Indian Creek. With this recommended change, the lots
currently depicted along Indian Creek Drive would be removed, and placed next
to the existing homes between Orna Street and Indian Creek Drive. Lastly, the
DDA members further recommended that Historical Concepts depict a house on the
smaller of the two vacant lots at the entrance of E. Clark Street.
DRAFT: The DDA members reviewed the Strategic Investment Plan Draft document. They suggested several changes to the document which focused on the viability of the recommended east-west road connections, as well as the descriptions of how the city utilizes its rights-of-way. Mr. Pepper will communicate the DDA’s recommended suggestions to the team at Historical Concepts.
ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Roberts adjourned the meeting
at 8:31 PM.
Approved by:
Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer