Downtown Development Authority Meeting July 23, 2019

Minutes – July 23, 2019

MEMBERS: Mr. Brian Barnard, Chair; Ms. Martha Molyneux, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Ms. Danielle Miller, Mr. Ray Wilson, and Mr. Art Vinson.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.

GUESTS: Ryan Yurcaba, Associate with Historical Concepts (HC); Dave Huber.

OPENING: At 5:08 PM, the DDA members, by motion and approval, called the meeting to order.

NEW DDA MEMBERS: The DDA members welcomed Mr. Art Vinson and Mr. Ray Wilson as the newest members of the DDA.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded by Mr. Eady, the minutes for the meeting on May 28, 2019 were approved. The vote was 6 – 0.

ELECTION OF NEW DDA CHAIR: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Mr. Ready, Mr. Brian Barnard was elected to serve as Chair of the DDA.


DISCUSSION ON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ALONG SR 81: The DDA explained to Mr. Yurcaba their overall vision for the town center development. The development could potentially include a civic, arts and culture, college, and park component, which would be incorporated into the site plan created by HC. The DDA further explained their vision is to create a sense of place that includes those components possibly mixed with some light commercial use. Mr. Yurcaba outlined HC’s process to create the site plan. On August 27th, HC will meet with several stakeholder groups (e.g. – Staff, Oxford College personnel, Yarbrough House Committee, and the DDA) to gather ideas and recommendations for the proposed development. HC will work these recommendations into a draft site plan that the DDA will review at their meeting on August 27th.


Before the next meeting, the DDA members and staff will complete the following assignments:

=        Mr. Barnard and Mr. Eady will create a list of the DDA’s ideas for the Town Center development. They will share the list with the remaining DDA members who will then add their thoughts to the list as needed. 

=        Mr. Ready will organize a joint meeting between the DDA and the Council’s Yarbrough House Committee the week of August 19th. The purpose of the meeting is to coordinate the efforts of both groups when programming the potential uses of the properties located within the proposed town center development.

=        Mr. Pepper will facilitate the introduction between the two design firms working on the town center development: Historical Concepts and Carter Watkins Associates.

=        Mr. Pepper will confirm with HC the budget for the site plan as previously discussed.

=        Mr. Yurcaba will confirm the August 27th meeting date with HC’s remaining team members. In addition, HC will provide the DDA with a schedule of the day’s events and stakeholder interviews.

=        Mr. Eady will contact Rob Fowler to find out when the post office’s lease with the United States Postal Service will terminate.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Barnard adjourned the meeting at 6:46 PM.

Approved by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer