Planning Commission March 12, 2019

MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Laura McCanless, Vice-Chair; Mike Besaw and Zach May. Juanita Carson and Mike McQuaide were absent.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and zoning administrator.

GUESTS: Charlene Bray; Hugh Tarbutton; Art and Laurie Vinson.

OPENING: At 7:14 PM, Mr. Eady called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.

MINUTES: Upon motion of Ms. McCanless, seconded by Mr. May, the minutes for the meeting of February 12, 2019 were adopted. The vote was 4-0.

CHARLENE BRAY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (506 Emory Street): When reviewing Ms. Bray’s development permit application, the Planning Commission members concluded that both the present ordinance and the ordinance in effect when Wentworth subdivision was built had a 30’ rear setback. However, the recorded subdivision plat appears to modify all the setbacks for the lots. Further, the Commission concluded based upon information available that the former City Council made changes in the approval process to allow for a 20’ rear setback for the lots located in the subdivision. As proposed, the awning would be installed over an existing concrete patio which measures 21’ from the rear property line. The Commission determined that the 20’ rear setback approved by the former City Council at the time the house and patio were built was a conformed to the setback requirements at that time, and therefore makes the proposed awning a permitted non-conforming use today. The Commission members concluded that the awning was aesthetically consistent with the style found on surrounding dwellings.

Upon motion of Mr. Besaw, seconded by Ms. McCanless, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to install a metal awning over the back door and patio. The vote was 4-0.

HUGH TARBUTTON (1105 Wesley Street): Mr. Tarbutton discussed with the Commission members his plans to construct an accessory building on his property. The building would include a patio with a fire pit and a 25’ x 30’ accessory building. The interior of the building would include a small galley kitchen, fireplace, and restroom. The proposed accessory building would take the place of an existing chicken shed. The Commission members discussed the proposed location of the building relative to the existing house and the west property line. They also discussed the range of square footage (300-900) allowed by ordinance for an accessory dwelling unit. Mr. Tarbutton shared that the accessory building will be a frame finish with a brick fireplace and a standing seam roof. The Commission members shared the specific requirements for an accessory dwelling unit as found in Sec. 40-525 with Mr. Tarbutton. The Commission members explained to Mr. Tarbutton the process to receive a development permit and building permit. Mr. Tarbutton will submit a development permit application for the accessory building once he has a dimensioned drawing depicting where it will be located relative to the side and rear setbacks.

Mr. Tarbutton also shared his plans to make repairs to his pond where a large portion of the bank has eroded into the pond. Mr. Tarbutton explained that the engineer working on the project suggested that he install French drains in the affected area to allow for the ground water to percolate directly into the lake. The Commission members agreed that the grading excavation required to repair the pond would require a development permit. The Commission members explained to Mr. Tarbutton that the city does not have an ordinance dealing with ponds or lakes, but it does have ordinances dealing with wetlands, environmental impact, and soil erosion, all of which allude back to what is required by the state (Department of Natural Resources).

ART AND LAURIE VINSON (903 Asbury Street): The Commission members reviewed both the development permit applications presented by Mr. and Mrs. Vinson. The Commission members discussed erosion control for the driveway to the proposed garage. In addition, the Commission members modified the development permit application to relocate the 14’ x 18’ structure to indicate that constructing the bathroom was not a part of the current scope of work.

Upon motion of Mr. May, seconded by Ms. McCanless, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to construct a 2-car garage against the south basement wall of the residence. The vote was 4-0.

Upon motion of Mr. May, seconded by Ms. McCanless, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to relocate the existing 14’ x 18’ structure to a location on the property that is compliant with the city’s rear and side setback requirements. The vote was 4-0.

TRAINING: Mr. Pepper reminded the Commission members that the Carl Vinson Institute is offering a planning and zoning training class for Planning Commission members on Thursday, April 4th. Commission members will let Mr. Pepper know if they would like to attend the training.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Pepper updated the Commission members on the status of House Bill 302 and Senate Bill 172 in the General Assembly.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Eady adjourned the meeting at 8:12 PM.

Approved by:

Zach May, Secretary