MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Jeff Wearing,
Vice-Chair; Penny England, Ron Manson, and Aaron Robinson. Vivian Harris was absent.STAFF:
Bob Schwartz, city manager and zoning administrator.
GUESTS: Kendra Mayfield, Oxford College.
At 7:09 PM, Mr. Eady called the meeting to order and welcomed Ms.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Manson, seconded
by Mr. Wearing, the minutes for the meeting of April 11, 2017 were
approved. The vote was 5-0.
OXFORD COLLEGE REZONING REQUEST – Oxford College submitted a request
to rezone two lots (805 Whatcoat Street and 107 George Street) from R-20 to TC
(Town Center). The purpose is to
construct a parking lot.
Mr. Schwartz
noted that he had distributed to the Planning Commission copies of an email from
May 5th from Councilmember Eady concerning this issue.
Commission members had an extended discussion concerning the rezoning request
for the two lots both together and individually. They reviewed the “Criteria
for Amendments to Official Zoning Map” found in §40-638 (g) of the Zoning Ordinance.
On a
suggestion from the Planning Commission Ms. Mayfield amended the requested zone
from TC to “Institutional”. She noted
that if she returned with a Development Permit request, the design would
include a fence to shield the adjacent residential property.
Upon motion of Mr. Manson, seconded
by Mr. Wearing the Planning Commission recommends that 805 George Street be
rezoned from “R-20” to “Institutional”.
Further, that 107 George Street be rezoned from “R-20” to
“Institutional” conditioned upon the retention of the existing use and that the
parking not exceed the area shown on a plan submitted by Oxford College on May
9, 2017. The vote was 4 – 0 with Mr.
Eady abstaining.
A copy of
the plan submitted by the College is attached to these minutes.
CITY REPORT – Mr. Schwartz reported on the
recruitment for a new city manager and on the status of a couple of
construction projects.
ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Eady adjourned the meeting at 8:25
Approved by:
Aaron Robinson, Secretary