MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Laura McCanless,
Vice-Chair; Zach May, Secretary; Michael McQuaide, Avis Williams. Juanita
Carson was absent.
STAFF: Mr. Pepper (Zoning Administrator) was absent.
GUESTS: Susanne Widdel, Gary Ellis, Dave Huber, Nick
Cole, Barbara Cole.
OPENING: At 7:03 PM, Mr. Eady called the meeting to
order and welcomed the guests.
MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. McQuaide, seconded by Ms.
Williams, the minutes for the meeting of July 9, 2019 were adopted as
presented. The vote was 5-0.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (207 W. Bonnell Street): The Commission
discussed that since the permit is only for tearing down the old shed, they are
inclined to approve the development application. Ms. McCanless had a concern
that Ms. Vodar would tear down the shed, but rebuild a new shed on the existing
footprint, which would be in violation of the ordinances based on the drawings
presented. The Commission discussed approving the development permit with a
caveat to deliver the information about the setback requirements to her in
written communication.
Upon motion by Ms. McCanless, seconded by Ms. Williams,
the development permit with a caveat that the permit would not be delivered to
Ms. Vodar without express written communication about the setback was approved.
The vote was 5-0.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (1214 Godfrey Street): The Commission
reviewed the application, and after minimal discussion, they determined that the
proposed construction met all setbacks and development permit requirements.
Upon motion of Ms. McCanless, seconded by Mr. May, the
development permit was approved as presented. The vote was 5-0.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (302 Cindy Court): The Commission reviewed
and discussed the application as presented. Mr. Eady noted a change, to add verbiage
that specified that they were going to install an access ramp so it’s clear
what’s happening in the construction.
Upon motion from Ms. Williams, seconded by Ms. McCanless,
the development permit was approved as with the language clarification. The
vote was 5-0.
PERMIT APPLICATION (1102 Emory Street): Mr. Huber mentioned that the panels
were partially installed, and once they got the stop order, they stopped
construction. The Commission said that the building permit was needed because
of the electrical work. The Commission discussed that aesthetics are part of
the application considerations and discussed that Mr. Huber’s panels blended in
with the roof and are aesthetically pleasing.
Upon motion by Mr. McQuaide, seconded by Ms. McCanless,
the Commission voted 5-0 to approve the development permit as presented.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (1104 Emory Street): Mr. Cole confirmed that
the panels would only be on the west side. Mr. Eady made a notation to
reference the west side of the house. No further discussion was needed.
Upon motion from Ms. McCanless, seconded by Ms. Williams,
the development permit was approved with the language clarification. The vote
was 5-0.
The contractor asked about aesthetics. He asked what might
be problematic. The Commission said it would be a problem if it encroached on
the setbacks. Also, if the nature of installation was very visible, and would not
be compatible with the surrounding property, the Commission may suggest
different ways to install panels. Panels would not be permitted in the front
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (112 George Street): Ms. Davis was injured
and could not appear. Mr. Eady talked to Mr. Pepper about this and discussed
that the only construction was on the existing footprint. It was noted that the
back corner of the house does not meet the required setbacks, but since it has
been there since these ordinances were written, and it was not in violation at
the time it was built, no action should be taken.
Upon motion by Ms. McCanless, seconded by Ms. Williams,
the commission voted 5-0 to approve the development permit, despite the absence
of Ms. Davis.
PLANT ORDINANCE: Ms. McCanless discussed that the Sustainable Oxford Committee
is considering allowing yards to grow in a more natural manner, including
native plants and meadows. Sustainable Oxford would like to be at the forefront
of the environmental advocacy efforts, and this would move in the right
direction. There is a model ordinance that was discussed, as an example. Mr.
Eady brought up the question of whether the Commission wanted to advocate allowing
people to grow native grasses in the front yards, which would be nearly
indistinguishable from an unkempt lawn. The Commission discussed that the
plants would have to be native plants to comply. The Commission also discussed
permits, inspections, and parameters. There is some sentiment supporting the
idea, but the Commission will require more examples of ordinances and more data
to consider before putting it in front of City Council.
the Roans prior development permit application.
Adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Approved by:
Zach May, Secretary