Weekly Update 03/18/2016 #2

From Bob Schwartz, City Manager

Groundskeeper – We have hired Mr. Terry Tankersley to fill the new position of Groundskeeper. The lawnmowers are on order. In the meantime, Terry is finding plenty to do. Terry lives on Emory Way in Oxford. He has experience with lawn, garden, and tree care and maintenance.

Brittni Richardson – Brittni Richardson is the assistant Court Clerk. The attached certificate shows that she has completed the training required by the Georgia Municipal Courts Training Council. It’s a lot of work and we thank her.

George Street Park Drainage Project – We will discuss this a little more at the work session Monday. The work on this project is COMPLETE. We’ve attached several pictures. Once the grass greens up, it will look even better. We have had several very hard rains since the drainage system was complete and it works very well.