Planning Commission February 11, 2020


Minutes – February 11, 2020

MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Zach May, Vice Chair; Juanita Carson, Secretary; Kibbie Hatfield, Mike McQuaide, and Mike Ready.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and zoning administrator.

GUESTS: Brian Barnard; Randy Conyers; Tony and Lisa Williams; Art and Laurie Vinson; Dan Meyers, Green Fields Land Management Services, LLC.

OPENING: At 7:00 PM, Mr. Eady called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests

MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. McQuaide, seconded by Mr. Ready, the minutes for the meeting of January 14, 2020 were adopted as amended. The vote was 6-0.

TONY AND LISA WILLAMS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (1018 Emory Street): The Commission reviewed the development permit application to install 163 feet of four-rail fencing on the side yard of the home. The Commission asked if the wire mesh depicted in the example photograph would be included as part of the installation of the fence. The applicants indicated that the wire mesh would be included and that it would be a black matte.

Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded by Ms. Carson, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to install 163 feet of four-rail fencing on the side yard of the house located at 1018 Emory Street. The vote was 6-0.

RANDY CONYERS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (114 Oxford North Rd): The Commission reviewed the development permit application to install a 10’ X 14’ wood fence shed in the backyard.

Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded by Ms. Carson, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to install the wood fence shed in the backyard of the property located at 114 Oxford North Road. The vote was 6-0.

BRIAN BARNARD DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (1112 Asbury Street): The Commission reviewed the development permit application to pave the existing drive and a small parking area with recycled asphalt millings. During the discussion, the Commission confirmed that the proposed paving was in the location of the existing drive. In addition, the Commission reviewed Sections 40-875 and 40-869 (Oxford, Georgia, Municipal Code) that dictate the city’s paving and access requirements. Mr. Barnard explained that the recycled asphalt will resemble black gravel. Given that the proposed paving included two property owners, the Commission discussed whether an easement or agreement had been executed between the two properties to allow for a shared drive. Mr. Barnard stated that he purchased the property with the understanding that an easement or similar agreement had been executed. He further explained that the paving work for both properties would be completed at the same time by the same contractor.

Upon motion of Mr. May, seconded by Mr. Ready, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to pave the existing driveway and small parking area at 1112 Asbury Street with recycled asphalt millings. The vote was 6-0.

CLARK LEMONS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION (1110 Asbury Street): The Commission reviewed the development permit application to pave the existing drive and a small parking area with recycled asphalt millings.

Upon motion of Ms. Hatfield, seconded by Ms. Carson, the Planning Commission approved the development permit application to pave the existing driveway and small parking aera at 1110 Asbury Street with recycled asphalt millings. The vote was 6-0.

DISCUSSION WITH ART VINSON (903 Asbury Street): Mr. Vinson reviewed the status of permitted development activities for the existing accessory building with the Commission. During the discussion, he reminded the Commission that in March 2019 he received approval to complete electric and plumbing work on the accessory building conditional upon the building being moved to a location on the property that was compliant with the rear and side setbacks. In the end, he was unable to move the building due, in part, to the difficulty of getting the necessary equipment to the location without causing damage to an existing tree and the property itself.

In addition, Mr. Vinson reported that the building requires repairs to the exterior boards and the wood floor, and replacement of the windows. The Commission reviewed the proposed scope of repairs in the context of a non-conforming structure. The Commission agreed that the proposed repairs complied with the threshold allowed for making repairs to a non-conforming structure.

Mr. Vinson continued that he planned to convert the building into a guest room. He shared that the structure is approximately 250 square feet. In order to meet the required square footage of 300 for an accessory dwelling unit as indicated in Section 40-525 (Oxford, Georgia, Municipal Code), he planned to enclose the existing lean-to structure that is affixed to the building. In response, the Commission explained that the minimum square footage requirement was not applicable because the structure would not be considered a dwelling unit with a kitchen, bathroom, etc.

The Commission discussed that the proposed scope of work to renovate the structure into a guest room would likely be above the threshold dictated in the city’s non-confirming structure ordinance. In addition, the Commission stated that where the structure is currently located does not meet the setback requirements. Therefore, they stated that Mr. Vinson could ask for a variance on the setback requirements. Mr. Vinson plans to submit the variance request to the Commission at their March meeting.  

REVIEW MINOR VARIANCE ORDINANCE: The Commission continued their review of the city’s former minor variance ordinance. The Commission modified the draft ordinance to replace the allowable variance for a minimum side and rear setback from a maximum of five (5) feet to 25% of the minimum requirement.

Upon motion of Mr. McQuaide, seconded by Mr. May, the Planning Commission will recommend to the Council that they adopt the minor variance procedure as outlined in the Commission’s proposal. The vote was 6-0.

DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REMINDER LETTER: The Commission reviewed the letter describing the type of work that requires a development permit. They recommended edits to the letter that provided a better understanding of what type of development work requires a permit. Before mailing the letters, Mr. Pepper will make the desired edits and re-send to the Commission for final approval.

OTHER BUSINESS: The Commission discussed reviewing the city’s ordinance regarding the scope of construction-related work that requires development permit application in the coming months.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Eady adjourned the meeting at 8:16 PM.

Submitted by:

Juanita Carson, Secretary