Helpful Links: 2020 Census at a Glance 2020 Census FAQS 2020 Census Sample Questionnaire 2020 Census Letter from Mayor Eady
On April 1st, 2020, all who are living in the United States are encouraged to participate in the decennial (10-year) census conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Our goal is to make sure each Oxford resident is accurately counted. In the paragraphs below you will find important information about the 2020 Census, including how to submit your information and the benefits our community receives from your participation.
The U.S. Census Bureau provides additional information regarding the 2020 Census on their website at https://www.2020census.gov.
The 2020 Census:
This year, the census includes nine questions. These questions focus on how many people live in your home and basic information about each person, like their sex, age, and race. The federal government uses this information to produce statistics on the nation’s people and economy. By law, your responses are kept strictly confidential and cannot be used against you in any way.
Why It Is Important to Participate:
On a local level, how many people we have living in Oxford affects how much money we receive to provide services to our residents. For example, money from Newton County’s Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) is distributed to the county and the cities based on our respective populations. We received nearly half a million dollars in SPLOST funds to help build Asbury Street Park. This is just one example of the importance of these funds in creating a valuable amenity that brings our city together.
In addition, we use sales tax revenues to fund services for
public safety, parks and recreation, sanitation, and street maintenance. These
vital services contribute to making Oxford a safe and welcoming place for all
who live and visit here.
Beyond Oxford, the data collected from the census impacts
federal funding and congressional representation. The U.S. Census Bureau
estimates that the census affects the distribution of more than $675 billion in
federal dollars available to states, counties, and cities. These federal funds may
be allocated at the state and local levels to a variety of services including
healthcare, education, job training, and infrastructure.
How to Participate:
In March, you will receive an invitation in the mail to complete the 2020 Census form. You will have three options to respond: online, by phone, or by mail. You will be able to submit your information beginning mid-March through April 8th. If you have not responded by April 8th, you will receive a reminder postcard and a paper questionnaire. This notice is different than the request you may have received to complete the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.
Additional Information about the 2020 Census:
The U.S. Census Bureau has published the following documents
to provide detailed information regarding the 2020 Census:
- 2020 Census at a Glance
- 2020 Census Sample Questionnaire
- Census Frequently Asked Questions
We will have the same printed materials about the 2020
Census at City Hall. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Matthew Pepper, City Manager, at (770) 786-7004.