All city council meetings are open to the public.
City Council

David Eady - Mayor
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I grew up in Oxford and spent my first 18 years living on Bonnell Street before my family moved to Wesley Street. I attended Palmer-Stone Elementary School, Cousins Middle School, and Newton County High School, and I went to Georgia College for two years before transferring to the University of Georgia (UGA) to complete my undergraduate degree. I met my wife, Vicki, at Georgia College, and we were married five years later—one year after she completed her degree in physical therapy at Georgia State University (GSU). Vicki and I bought our house in Oxford in 1995, after I completed my graduate studies at GSU. We have two sons, Benjamin and Grayson. Benjamin graduated from UGA and lives in Washington DC; Grayson is a student at Georgia Tech. Vicki is originally from Snellville, and she is a physical therapist at Piedmont Newton.
I started my career as a community organizer working on environmental challenges in low-income, minority, and coastal communities in Georgia and across the southeast. After graduate school, I began a fellowship position with the Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI), which at that time was based at Georgia Tech, and this enabled me to influence policy and strategy within the US Army. After four years with AEPI, I served five years as a research faculty member in Georgia Tech’s School of Public Policy, where I continued my work to advance sustainability principles and sustainable development practices within the Department of Defense. For fifteen years I worked in consulting, where I led teams to conduct assessments, develop plans, demonstrate technologies, and form partnerships. I currently build strategic partnerships for Georgia Tech focused on sustainability education, research, and engagement.
I hold a master’s degree in community planning and development and an undergraduate degree in philosophy, with additional undergraduate studies in sociology. I served on the Oxford City Council for more than eight years, and I was on the Oxford Planning Commission for 12 years, serving as chair the last five of those years.
George Holt - Council - Post 2
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Graduate of Morehouse College with a degree in Business Administration.
Retired District Director of the U.S. Department of Labor, W&H Division.
Married to Dr. Cary D. Holt, two daughters, two sons, and four grandchildren.
Mike Ready Council - Post 4
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Cheryl and I moved to Oxford in the fall of 1997. We have four children and eleven grandchildren. I retired ater a career in retail management that started in the Northeast and finished in Georgia. I am a Vietnam veteran, member of the American Legion Post 77, and a Kiwanis member where I have held all club and division positions. Here in Oxford I participated in many charettes, volunteered for Tree Board activities, served on the Planning Commission twice (chairman three years) and on the Downtown Development Authority.
Jim Windham - Mayor Pro-Tem - Council - Post 5
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Education: Georgia State
Oxford Lions Club; Board Member “Friends of Newton Parks”; Board member “Miracle League”
Retired, married with 3 children and11 grandchildren.Interests: Animal rights, environmental issues, Trails, Green space, trees. Hobby: Pottery