Georgia Releaf Grant Tree Giveaway
Free Trees to Oxford Homeowners
Oxford has received a Georgia Releaf Grant, provided by the Georgia Forestry Commission and Georgia Tree Council, for a tree giveaway project. The Oxford Trees, Parks, and Recreation Board will be giving out native 3 gallon containerized trees at the Arbor Day Celebration on February 18, 2023. The event will be held in Asbury Street Park from 10:00 a.m - 12:00 noon. A tree planting demonstration will also be part of the event. Tree planting instructions will be provided with each tree while supplies last. Several species will be available including Red Maple, American Elm, Yellow Poplar, and several Oak species (White, Northern Red, Shumard, Overcup, and Willow). Homeowners should sign up here to reserve a tree: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/oxfordfreetree.
Trees, Parks, and Recreation Board
Cheryl Ready, Chair
Michael Rogers
Anderson Wright
Nakeisha Cummings
Mike McQuaide
Amos Downs
Theresa Eady, Secretary
Other Key Participants
Beryl Budd (Arborist)
Jody Reid
Bill Andrew (City Manager)
Contact Information
Cheryl Ready - cprcousins@aol.com
Anderson Wright - andyright56@cs.com
Meeting Times
3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm
Georgia Forestry Commission