Minutes – June 6, 2018
MEMBERS: Mr. Mark McGiboney, Chair; Mr.
Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Mr. Brian Barnard, and Ms. Martha Molyneux. Ms.
Loren Roberts was absent.
STAFF: Matthew Pepper, assistant city
manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.
GUESTS: There were no guests in attendance.
OPENING: At 7:04 PM, Mr. McGiboney called
the meeting to order.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded
by Ms. Molyneux, the minutes for the meeting on April 25, 2018 were approved.
The vote was 5 – 0.
STRATEGIC INVESTMENT PLAN DRAFT: The DDA members accepted the comments
from Historical Concepts regarding the DDA’s proposed changes to the Strategic
Investment Plan Draft. Mr. Pepper will communicate the DDA’s decision to
Historical Concepts.
DEVELOPMENT DESIGN CONCEPT: The DDA members reviewed the final Draft of the E. Clark
Street development design concept. They agreed that Mr. McGiboney will present
the design concept to City Council at the work session on Monday, June 18th,
OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA members discussed their
assignment to provide City Council with a subdivision plat of the E. Clark
Street property.
Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by
Mr. Ready, Mr. Pepper will ask Robert Jordan, city engineer, to prepare a
subdivision plat for the E. Clark Street property. The vote was 5 – 0.
DDA ASSIGNMENTS: Before the next meeting, the DDA will complete the
following assignments:
= Mr. McGiboney will ask Mr. Frank Turner, DDA attorney,
to begin preparing the RFP for the E. Clark Street Development. Ms. Molyneux
will also help prepare the RFP.
= Mr. Pepper will ask David Strickland, city attorney,
to prepare the necessary documents to convey the E. Clark Street property to
the DDA.
ADJOURNMENT: Mr. McGiboney adjourned the meeting
at 7:40 PM.
Approved by:
Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer